Traces of ice age in ocean debris

Traces of ice age in ocean debris

Microscopic marine animals • Gordon T. Taylor, Stony Brook University (Public Domain)

Originally published 7 July 1986

In recent years, geol­o­gists have made spec­tac­u­lar progress dis­cov­er­ing the Earth­’s past cli­mate. In par­tic­u­lar, they have estab­lished a reli­able chronol­o­gy for the ice ages.

Only a few years ago we were taught that four great ice ages affect­ed the Earth over the past few mil­lion years. We now know that there have per­haps been 20 episodes of con­ti­nen­tal glacia­tion, occur­ring at reg­u­lar inter­vals of 100,000 years.

Researchers use a vari­ety of clues to recon­struct past cli­mates. One of the clever­est and most use­ful is the method of oxy­gen iso­topes, invent­ed by Cesare Emil­iani in the mid-1950s. The full poten­tial of that inven­tion is only now being exploit­ed. It is hard to pick up a paper on cli­ma­tol­ogy these days that does not make ref­er­ence to the method. It is a fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry, and it per­fect­ly demon­strates the chal­lenge and rewards of sci­en­tif­ic research.

But the sto­ry has sev­er­al twists and turns, so bear with me. The sto­ry begins with isotopes.

There are two kinds of oxy­gen atoms. The most abun­dant form is oxy­gen-16, with eight pro­tons and eight neu­trons in the nucle­us of the atom. A tiny frac­tion of oxy­gen atoms — two atoms out of 1000 — have two extra neu­trons in the nucle­us (oxy­gen-18). The extra neu­trons change the weight of the atoms, but not their chem­i­cal prop­er­ties. Atoms that dif­fer only in the num­ber of neu­trons are called iso­topes. Oxy­gen-18 is the heavy iso­tope of oxygen.

Emiliani’s clue

Every mol­e­cule of water con­tains one oxy­gen atom. The water mol­e­cules that con­tain oxy­gen-18 are slight­ly heav­ier than the oth­ers. When sun­light evap­o­rates water from the sur­face of the sea, there is a ten­den­cy for the heav­ier water mol­e­cules to be left behind. And if the heav­ier mol­e­cules are evap­o­rat­ed, they tend to fall more quick­ly back into the sea. So as water is evap­o­rat­ed from the sea, the sea becomes enriched in oxygen-18.

Much of the water that is evap­o­rat­ed from the oceans is car­ried by winds onto the con­ti­nents where it falls as rain or snow. If the water makes its way back to the sea, then the bal­ance of iso­topes in the oceans is restored. But if snow becomes locked up on the land in the form of ice, the oceans remain enriched in heavy oxygen.

So the rel­a­tive abun­dances of the two oxy­gen iso­topes in sea water depends upon the amount of ice that is stored on the con­ti­nents. More oxy­gen-18 means more ice. Less oxy­gen-18 means less ice. This was Emil­ian­i’s clue to the ice ages.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, sam­ples of sea water from the remote past are unavail­able for analy­sis. But micro­scop­ic marine organ­isms build their skele­tons with oxy­gen, cal­ci­um, and car­bon tak­en from the water. The abun­dances of oxy­gen iso­topes in the skele­tons will be the same as in the water. When the organ­isms die, they fall to the floor of the sea and the skele­tons accu­mu­late as fos­sil sed­i­ments. The iso­topic com­po­si­tions of the fos­sils reflect con­di­tions in the sea at the time the organ­isms were alive.

Geol­o­gists have invent­ed tech­niques for recov­er­ing sed­i­ments from the deep ocean floor. A device called a mass spec­trom­e­ter can be used to assay the rel­a­tive num­ber of oxy­gen-18 and oxy­gen-16 atoms in fos­sils from the sed­i­ments. The age of the sed­i­ments can be deter­mined by using radioac­tiv­i­ty, mag­net­ism, and the fos­sils them­selves. Com­bin­ing the iso­tope abun­dances and the age of the sed­i­ments, a con­tin­u­ous cal­en­dar of the ice ages can be con­struct­ed. So mil­lions of years of glacial his­to­ry have been record­ed in sed­i­ments on the bot­tom of the sea.

Making connections

The most con­tro­ver­sial part of this sto­ry is the assump­tion that marine organ­isms incor­po­rate oxy­gen-16 and oxy­gen-18 into their bod­ies in the same pro­por­tions as those atoms exist in sea water. There are sev­er­al rea­sons why this might not be strict­ly true. But most geol­o­gists believe the oxy­gen iso­topes tell a con­vinc­ing sto­ry of the ice ages.

James Burke called his TV series on sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy Con­nec­tions. The title is appro­pri­ate. The best sci­ence is always a mat­ter of mak­ing unex­pect­ed con­nec­tions. Who would have guessed that there is a con­nec­tion between the thick­ness of arc­tic ice and the skele­tons of micro­scop­ic crea­tures that live three miles down on the floors of trop­ic oceans? But the con­nec­tion is there, for the researchers who were clever enough to find it and exploit it.

I recent­ly had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to look through a micro­scope at the fos­sils of those lit­tle plank­ton­ic crea­tures from long ago, dragged up from the floor of the deep ocean. In the del­i­ca­cy and vari­ety of their skele­tal archi­tec­ture they are remark­ably beau­ti­ful. A cen­sus of their atoms is an equal­ly del­i­cate and beau­ti­ful indi­ca­tor of the Earth­’s past cli­mates. In death the organ­isms became a record of their environment.

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