Tiny clues, big answers

Tiny clues, big answers

Skull of Australopithecus africanus • Photo by Emőke Dénes (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Originally published 1 February 1999

Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here?

To ask these ques­tions is to be human. As far as we know, we are the only species on Earth that asks them.

Ulti­mate answers are mat­ters for intu­ition or reli­gious faith. But the meth­ods of sci­ence can take us a long way toward find­ing par­tial answers.

We have dis­cov­ered, for exam­ple, that we are relat­ed to all life on Earth by com­mon descent, that we share a bio­chem­istry with all oth­er crea­tures, and that our ear­li­est humanoid ances­tors appeared sev­er­al mil­lion years ago in Africa and from there radi­at­ed across the planet.

We know about our ear­li­est ances­tors pri­mar­i­ly through fos­silized bones — a jaw, a skull frag­ment, a femur, a tooth. Only rarely do we find any­thing approach­ing a com­plete skeleton.

Nev­er­the­less, the pow­er­ful meth­ods of sci­ence enable us to extract knowl­edge from these bits of bone about how our ances­tors lived, what they ate, how they obtained their food, how long they lived, how they died.

Build­ing a pic­ture of life in those far away times is a slow, painstak­ing task, involv­ing the sep­a­rate dis­ci­plines of many sci­en­tists. We will nev­er know every­thing about the ori­gin of our species, but each gen­er­a­tion of researchers adds more details to the story.

In a [1999] issue of the jour­nal Sci­ence, pale­oan­thro­pol­o­gist Julia Lee-Thorp of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cape Town in South Africa and grad­u­ate stu­dent Matt Spon­heimer of Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty in New Jer­sey report­ed a remark­able deduc­tion about the diet of Aus­tralo­p­ithe­cus africanus, a human­like crea­ture that may have been a direct ances­tor of mod­ern humans.

Mem­bers of this species lived in Africa about 3 mil­lion years ago. They walked erect, but were prob­a­bly also at home in the trees. As far as we know, they did not make stone tools. They dis­ap­pear from the fos­sil record about the time of the appear­ance of the first Homo, or true human, about 2.5 mil­lion years ago.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, researchers thought that A. africanus ate for­est leaves, nuts, and fruits. Lee-Thorp and Spon­heimer con­clude that they were more eclec­tic in their diet, includ­ing either grass­land plants or the flesh of graz­ing animals.

Here’s how they fig­ured it out.

Plants con­vert car­bon diox­ide from the atmos­phere into sug­ar and tis­sue by the process known as pho­to­syn­the­sis. It hap­pens that car­bon has two sta­ble forms, car­bon-12 and car­bon-13, called iso­topes. Car­bon-13 has an extra neu­tron in the atom­ic nucle­us, and this addi­tion­al mass has a slight influ­ence on the chem­istry of photosynthesis.

Trees, bush­es, and shrubs dis­crim­i­nate against the heav­ier iso­tope of car­bon when they take car­bon from the air. Grass­es and sedges incor­po­rate car­bon-13 into their tis­sue more readily.

There­fore, the rel­a­tive num­bers of car­bon-12 and car­bon-13 atoms dif­fer in the tis­sue of these two cat­e­gories of plants, and these dif­fer­ences can be mea­sured with an instru­ment called a mass spec­trom­e­ter that sorts atoms accord­ing to their weight.

We are what we eat. An ani­mal that dines exclu­sive­ly on leaves, seeds, or roots of grass­es, or upon the flesh of grass-graz­ing ani­mals, will have in its tis­sue a ratio of car­bon iso­topes sim­i­lar to that of grass­land plants. An ani­mal that has an arbo­re­al diet, or eats ani­mals with a wood­land diet, bear the iso­topic sig­na­ture of wood­i­er plants.

Lee-Thorp and Spon­heimer did a car­bon iso­tope analy­sis of an assem­blage of 3‑mil­lion-year-old bones from the Maka­pans­gat Lime­works in South Africa. The bones includ­ed frag­ments from four A. africanus indi­vid­u­als, and 65 indi­vid­ual spec­i­mens from 19 oth­er species of animals.

Most of the Maka­pans­gat species fell into two cat­e­gories: grass­land graz­ers and wood­land browsers. Two species showed mixed feed­ing habits. One car­ni­vore, a scav­eng­ing hye­na, appears to have dined most­ly on grass­land grazers.

And A. africanus, our pos­si­ble ances­tor? An iso­topic ratio heavy on carbon-13.

Appar­ent­ly, A. africanus ate grass­land plants or the flesh of graz­ing animals.

But tooth wear pat­terns of A. africanus are not typ­i­cal of ani­mals that eat grass­es and sedges. This leads Lee-Thorp and Spon­heimer to ten­ta­tive­ly sug­gest that A. africanus was at least an occa­sion­al car­ni­vore. If so, these poten­tial human ances­tors was more resource­ful and eclec­tic in their diet than any­one realized.

The adop­tion of a meat-rich diet by A. africanus may have con­tributed to an increase in brain pow­er that led even­tu­al­ly to the curios­i­ty, imag­i­na­tion, and intel­li­gence of our own species.

What is extra­or­di­nary about this work is that a minus­cule bit of enam­el pow­der extract­ed from a 3‑mil­lion-year-old tooth can bear clues to diet, by impli­ca­tion to lifestyle and habi­tat, and ulti­mate­ly to the sto­ry of human origins.

This is sci­ence at its best — curios­i­ty, imag­i­na­tion, and intel­li­gence in the ser­vice of the big ques­tions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here?

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