Throw the bums out and let the people run science

Throw the bums out and let the people run science

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Originally published 28 November 1994

Good morn­ing, guys and gals, this is your favorite talk show host, Chet Ray­mo, with anoth­er round of chat with the real peo­ple of Amer­i­ca. My guest this morn­ing is Ernest Crank, the pres­i­dent of Sen­si­ble Amer­i­cans for a Peo­ple’s Sci­ence. Good morn­ing, Ernest.”

Good morn­ing, Chet.”

Tell us briefly, what is SAPS?”

SAPS wants to take sci­ence away from the entrenched, self-serv­ing sci­en­tif­ic estab­lish­ment and give it back to the peo­ple. It’s tax­pay­ers like us who pay the bill for sci­ence in this coun­try, and we’re mad as hell.”

What are you mad at?”

We’re sick and tired of hav­ing a sec­u­lar-human­ist con­spir­a­cy jammed down our throats. For exam­ple, you’ve got all these Ph.Ds in white coats telling us the uni­verse is bil­lions of years old. Most Amer­i­cans know that’s not true, yet we’re sup­posed to pay for this so-called research that’s anti-Bible, anti-family…”


Absolute­ly. Most sci­en­tif­ic research under­mines the moral fab­ric of our nation, calls into ques­tion the sacred God-giv­en truths upon which this coun­try was founded.”

Was­n’t Jef­fer­son a man of sci­ence? Franklin?”

It’s time to throw the incum­bent sci­en­tists out.”

Who will do the research?”

Let me tell you a sto­ry, Chet. My broth­er-in-law, Bob, has a the­o­ry that proves Ein­stein was wrong, all based on the dimen­sions of the Great Pyra­mid at Gaza. Do you think he can get his the­o­ry pub­lished in a sci­en­tif­ic jour­nal? No. Can he get a gov­ern­ment research grant? For­get it.”

What are Bob’s qualifications?”

You don’t need a Ph.D to fig­ure out how the world works. What do quarks and galax­ies have to do with rais­ing a decent fam­i­ly, mak­ing an hon­est liv­ing? Who needs to know about DMA?”



Tell me, Ernest, what would you say to those who argue that sci­en­tif­ic research is the basis for our nation’s health and prosperity?”

Ha! This nation is great because God made it great.”

And curios­i­ty? What about curiosity?”

Curios­i­ty is vast­ly over­rat­ed. Sci­en­tists are always going on about ‘secrets of the atom’ and ‘secrets of the uni­verse.’ I say there’s too much pok­ing into secrets. If God had meant us to know those things, he would have put them in our heads when we were born.”

Solv­ing the ener­gy cri­sis, pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment, pre­vent­ing cancer…?

Let’s get the gov­ern­ment out of our lives and off our backs.”

But who’s going to…?”

Sci­ence in this coun­try is a bloat­ed tax-sup­port­ed bureau­cra­cy. You’ve got the Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion. The Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health. The nation­al accel­er­a­tor labs. The nation­al obser­va­to­ries. Bil­lions and bil­lions of dol­lars to find out stuff that most of us don’t want to know.”


Con­sid­er anoth­er exam­ple, Chet. All the polls tell us that more Amer­i­cans are inter­est­ed in astrol­o­gy than astron­o­my, yet you don’t find astrol­o­gy in our chil­drens’ sci­ence textbooks.”

There’s no evi­dence that astrol­o­gy works.”

Of course there is evi­dence. I read my horo­scope every morn­ing, and it’s almost always correct.”

But every test that’s remote­ly scientific…”

SAPS wants to give sci­ence back to the peo­ple. Let the peo­ple decide what’s true.”

OK, Ernest, we have our first caller on the line. It’s Jer­ry, from Fram­ing­ham. Hel­lo, Jerry.”

Hi, Chet. I picked up a copy of Sci­ence the oth­er day — the jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Sci­ence — and I could hard­ly read a word. All a bunch of chem­i­cal sym­bols and math­e­mat­i­cal equa­tions. I’d like to ask Mr. Crank, how come sci­en­tists aren’t work­ing on impor­tant stuff like UFOs, alien abduc­tions, and the Bermu­da Triangle?”

Good ques­tion, Jer­ry. We at SAPS are won­der­ing the same thing…”

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