The moon’s too big to suit some of us

The moon’s too big to suit some of us

Size comparison of the Earth and moon (Public Domain)

Originally published 3 February 1986

A full moon is fine for lovers and poets. But for astronomers, pro­fes­sion­al and ama­teur, the moon can be a bit of a nuisance.

The moon was espe­cial­ly trou­ble­some these past few months for those of us who were observ­ing the progress of Hal­ley’s Comet. Faint lights like Hal­ley require dark skies for their full appreciation.

The trou­ble with the moon is that it is too big. The Earth­’s satel­lite is out­landish­ly large com­pared to the plan­et. The ratio of the moon’s size to the size of the Earth is greater than that of any oth­er satel­lite and its plan­et in the solar sys­tem, with the pos­si­ble excep­tion of Plu­to and its mys­te­ri­ous com­pan­ion Charon.

If our Moon were the size, say, of the satel­lites of Mars, it would be no brighter in our sky at full phase than the plan­et Venus. Lovers and poets would then have less to inspire them, but comet watch­ers could only be pleased.

If the big moon is a nui­sance to obser­va­tion­al astronomers, it is a pos­i­tive embar­rass­ment to the­o­reti­cians. The­o­ries for the ori­gin of the moon have gen­er­al­ly stum­bled upon the block of the moon’s untyp­i­cal size.

Three thoughts on origin

There have tra­di­tion­al­ly been three kinds of the­o­ries for the moon’s ori­gin. They can be clas­si­fied by call­ing the moon the “sib­ling,” the “child,” or the “spouse” of the Earth.

The sib­ling the­o­ry assumes that the Earth and the moon con­densed togeth­er from an eddy in the larg­er whirlpool of accret­ing mate­ri­als that became the solar sys­tem. The the­o­ry has dif­fi­cul­ty explain­ing why the moon’s aver­age den­si­ty and chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion are dif­fer­ent from the Earth. A big­ger prob­lem for the the­o­ry is account­ing for the large rota­tion­al momen­tum of the Earth-moon system.

The child the­o­ry assumes that the moon was “spun off” from the out­er lay­ers of a rapid­ly spin­ning pro­toearth. The the­o­ry requires that the pro­toearth was molten or near­ly molten, a sit­u­a­tion con­sid­ered to be unlike­ly by many researchers. It also requires that the pro­toearth was spin­ning at an improb­a­bly rapid rate.

The spouse the­o­ry assumes that the moon formed some­where else in the solar sys­tem and was sub­se­quent­ly cap­tured by the Earth. How­ev­er, the grav­i­ta­tion­al dynam­ics of the cap­ture process sug­gest a very small prob­a­bil­i­ty that such a thing might have occurred. A col­li­sion or a deflec­tion are more like­ly out­comes of a close encounter.

In recent months, anoth­er the­o­ry of the moon’s ori­gin has been gain­ing adher­ents, one that seems to avoid the the­o­ret­i­cal dif­fi­cul­ties of the oth­er mod­els. This the­o­ry assumes that ear­ly in its his­to­ry the Earth suf­fered a graz­ing impact by a Mars-sized object. The col­li­sion blast­ed into Earth orbit a mass of mate­ri­als, part­ly from the Earth, part­ly from the col­lid­ing object, which sub­se­quent­ly con­densed to become the moon.

Splashing into being

The impact the­o­ry agrees with cur­rent ideas about the for­ma­tion of the solar sys­tem. The solar sys­tem began as a whirlpool of gas and dust around a pro­to­sun, and con­densed in stages. The dust first col­lect­ed grav­i­ta­tion­al­ly into pea-sized objects. The peas gath­ered into chunks the size of build­ings. The build­ings col­lid­ed to make big­ger bod­ies, and so on until the present plan­ets came into being. In the last stages of this process a few very large impacts are to be expect­ed. One of those mas­sive ter­mi­nal impacts may have splashed the Moon into being.

A pri­ma­ry sci­en­tif­ic objec­tive for the Apol­lo mis­sions to the moon was to dis­cov­er the secret of the moon’s ori­gin. The Apol­lo mis­sions made it clear that there were intrigu­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences in the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion of the Earth and moon, and revealed some clues to the moon’s inter­nal struc­ture. The mis­sions refined the para­me­ters with­in which a suc­cess­ful the­o­ry for the moon’s ori­gin must be found, but they did not resolve the riddle.

Most of the recent progress toward learn­ing about the moon’s ori­gin has come from using basic laws of physics to mod­el the ori­gin of the moon on com­put­ers. Research on the giant impact hypoth­e­sis for the moon’s ori­gin has yet to encounter any seri­ous obsta­cles. It explains why the moon’s den­si­ty is sim­i­lar to the out­er lay­ers of the Earth, and why there are sub­tle dif­fer­ences in com­po­si­tion. And it rea­son­ably accounts for the atyp­i­cal size of the Earth­’s satellite.

When I am doing a lit­tle deep-sky observ­ing and I am frus­trat­ed by the moon’s full light, I take con­so­la­tion in its beau­ty. The poet Ted Hugh­es once watched the full moon “sink upward/ To lie at the bot­tom of the sky, like a gold doubloon.” 

It is a love­ly image. The Earth­’s atyp­i­cal­ly big gold dou­bloon: Comet obscuring…poetry inspiring.

Sub­se­quent mea­sure­ments of Plu­to’s moon Charon has revealed that our own moon takes the prize for largest satel­lite in com­par­i­son to its par­ent body. The “impact” hypoth­e­sis has become the most wide­ly-accept­ed expla­na­tion for the moon’s for­ma­tion. ‑Ed.

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