The mating behavior of PhDs

The mating behavior of PhDs
Originally published 20 May 1991

The heart of a sci­en­tist is as eas­i­ly warmed and as eas­i­ly bro­ken as any­one else’s, and that’s prob­a­bly why the search for love final­ly is mak­ing its way into jour­nals with names like Tech­nol­o­gy Review and Sci­ence.

An ad in the May-June [1991] issue of MIT’s Tech­nol­o­gy Review invites read­ers to join the Sci­ence Con­nec­tion, Inc., a sin­gles net­work specif­i­cal­ly for sci­ence pro­fes­sion­als or any­one else inter­est­ed in sci­ence or nature. If you are a sci­en­tist or nat­ur­al his­to­ry buff, SCI, for an annu­al fee, will sup­ply you with brief pro­files of sin­gles with sim­i­lar interests.

Clear­ly, this is an idea whose time has come, and soon we can expect to see per­son­al ads at the back of such jour­nals as Sci­ence, Nature, Amer­i­can Psy­chol­o­gist, even the Pro­ceed­ings of the Amer­i­can Insti­tute of Elec­tri­cal Engi­neers.

In fact, the idea seems so time­ly that I decid­ed to throw this col­umn open to per­son­al ads from sci­en­tists and oth­er tech­ni­cal pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for a part­ner. Here­with, the first batch of adverts from the white-coat­ed lovelorn:

Fab­u­lous­ly attrac­tive SWF ornithol­o­gist, PhD, with life list of 457 species, seeks SWM who knows where to find the black-bel­lied tree duck. Will­ing to relocate.

Pro­fes­sion­al psy­chol­o­gist, DWM, 48, dri­ves red Porsche, secure, no emo­tion­al bag­gage, enjoys sports, din­ing out, fine wines, jazz, Red Sox, seeks slim (under 113 pounds) but full bust­ed 5 foot 7 inch, raven-haired (shoul­der length), blue-eyed knock­out with PhD in psy­chol­o­gy, 27 – 30 years old, for mature rela­tion­ship. No cats.

Laser lady of col­or, forty-some­thing, with 50 megawatt free elec­tron laser, seeks nuclear physi­cist, non-smok­er, dark­ly hand­some, for fusion exper­i­ments. You bring the wine. I’ll bring wit, pas­sion and gen­er­ous DOE and NASA funding.

Attrac­tive 37-year-old chemist with spe­cial­i­ty in the met­al (II) deriv­a­tives of 3,5‑di-tert-butyl‑1,2‑o-benzoquinone seeks lady chemist with sim­i­lar inter­ests. It would be help­ful if you also have freck­les, red hair, and a big smile.

High-ener­gy par­ti­cle physi­cist, DWF, 45, Nobel Prize con­tender, on design team for super­con­duct­ing super­col­lid­er but tired of fast track, seeks laid back younger man with inter­est in ento­mol­o­gy, mycol­o­gy, or oth­er woodsy pur­suits. Let’s make sparks, not quarks.

Beard­ed PhD anthro­pol­o­gist, 65, pro­fes­sor at pres­ti­gious uni­ver­si­ty and pro­lif­ic field work­er with expe­ri­ence in ancient Near East­ern civ­i­liza­tions, would like to meet woman with BS or MS in anthro­pol­o­gy or relat­ed field for per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al col­lab­o­ra­tion. Must be able to han­dle shov­el and cook.

Out-of-this-world, DWF astronomer, stel­lar per­son­al­i­ty, super­no­va smile, light years ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion, look­ing for a down-to-earth engi­neer with his feet on the ground for after­noon trysts — and maybe more.

Sev­en suc­cess­ful micro­bi­ol­o­gists, SWM, ages 34 – 46, most recent paper “Inhi­bi­tion of GTPase Acti­vat­ing Pro­tein Stim­u­la­tion of Xeno­pus Oocytes Express­ing the trk Pro­to-Onco­gene Prod­uct”, seek sev­en gor­geous blonde lab assis­tants, ages 18 – 29, for lab lunch­es, flask wash­ing, and pos­si­ble long-term rela­tion­ships. Pho­tos appreciated.

I felt the earth move. Tenure track, hard rock geol­o­gist, M, 29+, list of ref­er­eed pub­li­ca­tions as long as your arm, seeks sen­su­al old­er (forty­ish) soft rock geol­o­gist with estab­lished cre­den­tials who can gen­er­ate seis­mic waves. Send pho­to and resume.

Dream man. If you are a SJF biol­o­gy pro­fes­sion­al who would­n’t mind find­ing an occa­sion­al cell cul­ture in the fridge next to the OJ, this twice-divorced embry­ol­o­gist, 34, with warm per­son­al­i­ty and movie-star good looks is look­ing for you.

Pret­ty, hon­ey-blonde SWF bio­chemist, with knock­out fig­ure, a pas­sion­ate nature, and a flair for fun seeks sexy sci­en­tist, any field. Please, don’t dis­ap­point me again.

Com­put­er soft­ware expert, DJM, 37, seeks sen­si­ble, intel­li­gent, unsen­ti­men­tal woman for late-night pro­gram­ming and — gosh, who knows what else? Must be IBM com­pat­i­ble. No Mac­in­tosh per­sons, please!

PhD math­e­mati­cian, SBF, with spe­cial­i­ty in dif­feo­mor­phic func­tions invari­ant under ana­lyt­ic con­tact trans­for­ma­tions and reg­u­lar with respect to non­isotrop­ic Sobolev and Lip­schitz spaces, wants to meet science/math pro­fes­sion­al who will love me for more than my brain.

Microchip design­er, SWM, 30, seeks petite beauty.

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