Image of squirrel in tree

Photo by Toimetaja tõlkebüroo on Unsplash

Image of witch hazel blossoms

Witch hazel blossoms • Photo by Famartin (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Image of tree at Kew Gardens

The Pagoda tree at Kew Gardens • Photo by deror_avi (CC BY-SA 3.0)

History uprooted

Among the more engag­ing char­ac­ters with which J. R. R. Tolkien pop­u­lat­ed Mid­dle-earth were the ents, the old­est of all liv­ing races, a tree­like peo­ple only ten­ta­tive­ly removed from their arbo­re­al roots, awak­ened by elves from a long, silent aware­ness of them­selves into mobil­i­ty and speech.

Image of trees

Photo by natsuki on Unsplash