Image of a group of young people star-gazing.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Oil painting depicting a bearded man in robes receiving a vision of God in Heaven

"The Vision of the Prophet Ezekiel" by Ditlev Blunck (1830)

Ezekiel’s vision

As I ease into retire­ment, I have tak­en to spend­ing part of each year on a qui­et lit­tle island in the Caribbean. I came here look­ing for win­ter warmth, of course, but also for dark skies. I am a stargaz­er by life­long habit, and my pri­ma­ry home near a major Amer­i­can city is awash in arti­fi­cial light.

Image of a silhouetted person looking up at the night sky

Photo by Klemen Vrankar on Unsplash

Image of the night sky awash with light pollution

Photo by Hikarinoshita Hikari on Unsplash

Image of night sky over trees

Photo by Brennan Wolf on Unsplash

Image of cantaloupe and strawberries

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler from Pexels

Image of people sitting under night sky

Photo by Rad Pozniakov on Unsplash

Image of people looking at stars

Photo by Hamid Khaleghi on Unsplash

Image of the Milky Way at night

Photo by Luca Baggio on Unsplash

Image of star atlas

17th century star atlas (Public Domain)