Astronomical image of the swirling atmosphere of Jupiter

Jupiter, as imaged by the Juno spacecraft • NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill

Illustration of a spacecraft arriving at Saturn

Artist's conception of the Cassini spacecraft arriving at Saturn • NASA/JPL (Public Domain)

Image of the Pioneer Plaque attached to the spacecraft before launch

The Pioneer Plaque attached to the spacecraft before launch • NASA (Public Domain)

Computer-generated image of the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn

Illustration of Cassini exploring Saturn • Image by Kevin Gill (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Image of spacecraft orbiting Jupiter

Artist's depiction of Galileo exploring Jupiter • NASA/JPL (Public Domain)

Image of Voyager spacecraft

Artists view of a Voyager spacecraft in outer space • NASA/JPL (Public Domain)

Image of the surface of Miranda

Miranda as imaged by Voyager 2 • NASA/JPL

The little spacecraft that could

In Shake­speare’s The Tem­pest, Miran­da grows to the age of six­teen on an ocean isle with no human com­pan­ions oth­er than her father Pros­pero and the mon­ster Cal­iban. When storm and ship­wreck bring oth­ers to the island she is sud­den­ly awak­ened to the vari­ety and beau­ty of mankind. “O brave new world,” she exclaims, dazzled,“that has such peo­ple in’t!”