Image of a large nuclear bomb

A USAF nuclear bomb • Image by Chairboy (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of scientists standing beside large particle accelerator

Particle accelerator at CERN • Photo by x70tjw (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The physicists’ naughty bits

The gold­en age of anthro­pol­o­gy is past. The time is gone when a Gre­go­ry Bate­son or Mar­garet Mead could go off to New Guinea or Samoa and find soci­eties rel­a­tive­ly untouched by West­ern civ­i­liza­tion. An anthro­pol­o­gist today is hard pressed to find a cul­ture any­where on earth that retains its orig­i­nal tra­di­tions and val­ues. One is as like­ly to find Coca-Cola and satel­lite tele­vi­sion in the wilds of New Guinea as in New Jersey.