What’s the story of love?”
Articles with Sex
He fleas and she fleas
Has there ever been a more astute observer of the war between the sexes than James Thurber?
Birds do it. Bees do it. Even the blossoms in the trees do it.
Can a primrose be led down the primrose path?
The real mystery of human life
Question: Why does it take 200 million male sperm to fertilize a single female egg?
Hooray for plant sex
Panegyric. There’s a word that’s not used much anymore. Elaborate public praise. A formal composition intended as a compliment.
Love as defined by genetic script
This week, Science Musings offers Valentine’s Day advice to the lovelorn.
By nature, man can turn it off
The teaser on the cover of the August [2000] issue of Scientific American was irresistible: “Men’s Sexual Circuitry.”
Even giant squid do it
From southern Australia comes news of the sex life of the giant squid.
Why is all this sex necessary anyway?
“What’s the story of love?” I posed the question to Dr. Henry Testosterone, noted evolutionary biologist.
And now, the dirty-old-man gene
Stop the presses! Scientist makes astounding discovery!