Every scientist in the public eye is the frequent recipient of off-beat theories from out-of-the-mainstream amateur scientists.
Articles with Pseudoscience
Get rich quick with an NTU
Any scientist who finds himself even marginally in the public eye becomes the recipient of assorted new theories of the universe from earnest natural philosophers who work outside of the mainstream of science.
Heads and tails and ESP
Few subjects so rattle the equilibrium of the scientific community as ESP — extrasensory perception — especially when it comes tricked out in the garb of science. When the New York Times Magazine published a story on the work of Princeton ESP researcher Robert Jahn, one could almost hear the collective groan rise from the ivy-covered building of that New Jersey campus. This is the kind of research that most scientists would prefer to have at someone else’s institution.
Love and physics
It was an epic encounter. Shirley MacLaine, talented actress-turned-New Age guru, purveyor of inner bliss through the channeling of cosmic energy, meets Stephen Hawking, brilliant theoretical physicist and mathematician, whose body is totally disabled by motor neuron disease.
The astrologer and the scientist
After the Reagan-inspired media blitz of the last few weeks, you have probably heard all you want to hear about astrology.
A skeptical look
Ten years ago [in 1976] a group of distinguished philosophers and scientists, disturbed by what they saw as a rising tide of interest in astrology and other pseudo-sciences, established the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
An appetite for baloney
I am a Virgo. My reference book on astrology says that Virgos are practical, hard-working, analytical, meticulous, tidy, and modest. That’s me, all right, except maybe for the “modest.”