Image of mushroom cloud

Castle Bravo nuclear test • US Department of Energy (Public Domain)

Image of Civil War battlefield

The aftermath of the Battle of Antietam, 1862 • Alexander Gardner

No badge of courage in ‘star wars’

In Stephen Crane’s Amer­i­can clas­sic, The Red Badge of Courage, young Hen­ry Flem­ing goes off to war fired by dreams of hero­ic sweep and grandeur. “He had read of march­es, sieges, con­flicts, and had longed to see it all. His busy mind had drawn for him large pic­tures extrav­a­gant in col­or, lurid with breath­less deeds.” In the war to pre­serve the Union he would min­gle in one of the great affairs of the earth. He longs, yes longs, for the sym­bol­ic wound, the blood-red badge of courage.

Image of nuclear detonation

Castle Bravo nuclear test • United States Department of Energy (Public Domain)