Painting of Saint Cecilia and an Angel

“Saint Cecilia and an Angel“ by Orazio Gentileschi and Giovanni Lanfranco

Portraits of Haydn and Herschel

Joseph Haydn and William Herschel

Image of man working at computer and music keyboard

Photo by Jesman fabio on Unsplash

But will it play in drawing room?

We have a teenag­er in our house with equal enthu­si­asm for com­put­ers and for clas­si­cal music. He brings the two togeth­er with inex­pen­sive soft­ware that allows him to tran­scribe a musi­cal score into his com­put­er, manip­u­late voice, key and tem­po, and play it back through the stereo sys­tem. The result leaves some­thing to be desired. When you have heard a Mozart piano con­cer­to syn­the­sized by a four-voice home com­put­er, it is easy to con­clude that com­put­ers and music should nev­er be allowed to mix.