Image of mourning cloak butterfly

The mourning cloak butterfly, a common harbinger of spring • Photo by Benny Mazur (CC BY 2.0)

Catching spring in the act

I have that haunt­ing feel­ing that spring this year again per­formed all her old tricks and showed me just how life is made and what it is made of, but her hand has such sleight and she so dis­tracts the atten­tion with wav­ing green scarves and birds let loose from the loft that just when you think it is time now to watch care­ful­ly, the thing is done.”

Image of yellow and black-striped butterfly

Tiger swallowtail • Photo by Scott Carroll on Unsplash

Image of beetle collection

Collected beetle specimen • Natural History Museum, London (CC BY 2.0)

Image of insect collection

Photo by Oxford University Museum of Natural History (CC BY 2.0)

Summer bugs, summer pleasures

Sum­mer mem­o­ries. Of fire­fly evenings long ago in Ten­nessee. Lin­ger­ing twi­light, dark pines, crick­ets singing, stars just com­ing into the sky. Run­ning on the long, slop­ing lawn catch­ing up “light­nin’ bugs” in our hands. We squeezed them gen­tly between our fin­gers to set their tiny fires alight, or dumped them by the dozens into a jar to make a lantern.

Closeup image of an ant

Photo by Egor Kamelev from Pexels

Close up image of housefly

Musca domestica • USDA (Public Domain)

Image of a thrips

A thrips under the microscope • Josef Reischig (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of fruit fly

A fruit fly • Photo by Hannah Davis (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Image of Rhagoletis fly

The wings of a Rhagoletis fly mimics a spider's legs • © entomart (Used with permission)

Image of gall on oak leaf

Gall on oak leaf • Photo by Berthold Werner (CC BY SA 3.0)