Close-up image of a mosquito feeding on a human

Anopheles funestus • Photo by James Gathany, Dr. Frank Collins, University of Notre Dame (Public Domain)

Close-up image of a praying mantis insect

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Image of wooly aphid hanging from plant stem

Wooly aphid • Photo by Melissa McMasters (CC BY 2.0)

Including all for the long haul

It is not easy to live in that con­tin­u­ous aware­ness of things which alone is true liv­ing,” the nat­u­ral­ist Joseph Wood Krutch wrote in “The Voice of the Desert.” Krutch was a mid­dle-aged New York City dra­ma crit­ic and lit­er­a­ture pro­fes­sor in the late 1940s when he re-read Thore­au’s Walden, became a born-again nature writer, and moved to the Ari­zona desert to live with cac­ti and tarantulas.

Image of bees on the surface of a honeycomb

Photo by Simon Kadula on Unsplash

Image of a bee pollinating a flower

Photo by Mauro Tandoi on Unsplash

Closeup photo of a mass of orange-winged butterlies

Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

Image of a black and yellow insect in flight

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Image of an ant carrying a cut piece of leaf along a twig

Leafcutter ants • Photo by Pjt56 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Image of yellow and black striped butterfly resting on leaf

A tiger swallowtail • Photo by Tom Raymo

Close-up image of a fruit fly feeding on a banana

Drosophila melanogaster • Photo by Sanjay Acharya (CC BY-SA 4.0)