The saga of the Yanomami continues. If the story were filmed by Hollywood, we would now be into the sequel to the sequel, “Yanomami III: The Romance.” But before we get to the love story, let’s back up to the original film.
Articles with Humans
Through the ages, a sign of peace
Smart bombs. Night vision. Laser targeting. Pilots used to fly by the seat of their pants; now they fly by computer screens, and place bombs with pinpoint accuracy down air shafts and smoke stacks.
Fireside tales
From Swartkrans cave in the Transvaal region of South Africa comes news of the earliest known use of fire. In a [Dec. 1988] issue of Nature, archeologists C. K. Brain and A. Sillent, of the Transvaal Museum and University of Cape Town, report the discovery of charred bones more than 1 million years old.
Neanderthals — not-so-grisly folk
Pity the poor Neanderthals, who had the misfortune to be discovered at about the time Darwin was evoking the outrage of his contemporaries by suggesting that humans, apes, and gorillas have a common ancestry.