Image of Yanomami woman and child

Yanomami woman and child • Photo by Cmacauley (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of Hopewell hand

Inverse image of the Hopewell hand • Field Museum of Natural History (CC BY-NC)

Image of bonfire

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Fireside tales

From Swartkrans cave in the Trans­vaal region of South Africa comes news of the ear­li­est known use of fire. In a [Dec. 1988] issue of Nature, arche­ol­o­gists C. K. Brain and A. Sil­lent, of the Trans­vaal Muse­um and Uni­ver­si­ty of Cape Town, report the dis­cov­ery of charred bones more than 1 mil­lion years old.

Artwork of neanderthal wearing jacket and tie

Street art in Glasgow, UK • Photo by Crawford Jolly on Unsplash