Image of a kindly elderly face

Modern reconstruction of a Neanderthal • ©2021 Neanderthal Museum—Holger Neumann

A facial reconstruction of Homo floresiensis • Cicero Moraes et al (CC BY 4.0)

Image of a gorilla knuckle-walking through a forest

Photo by Mike Arney on Unsplash

What immortal hand or eye…

Chimps and goril­las get about by knuck­le-walk­ing. They curl back their fin­gers and bear the weight of their upper bod­ies on their knuck­les, which per­mits them a four-legged scoot on the ground while retain­ing long, grasp­ing fin­gers for swing­ing Tarzan-like among the branch­es. A nice com­pro­mise between life in the trees and life on the ground.

Hubble telescope image of a spiral galaxy

NGC 2336 • ESA/Hubble & NASA, V. Antoniou

Image of a reconstruction of a male adult Neanderthal

Reconstruction of Homo neanderthalensis by John Gurche • Photo by Chip Clark (Public Domain)

Image of a kindly elderly face

Modern reconstruction of a Neanderthal • ©2021 Neanderthal Museum—Holger Neumann

Image of a child hugging an elderly woman

Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

Anatomical cross-section image of the human body

A cross-section from the Visible Human Project • National Library of Medicine (Public Domain)

Painting of a woman lying down with a lion nearby

“La Bohémienne endormie” by Henri Rousseau (1897)

Image of silhouetted figures mimicking the traditional view of human evolution as progress from crouched to upright

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash