Portrait painting of a 17th-century aristocrat

Samuel Pepys, from a portrait by John Hayls (Public Domain)

Image of a Gutenberg Bible laying open in a display case

A Gutenberg Bible at the New York Public Library • Photo by Kevin Eng (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Painting of St. Francis with head tilted in meditation

Detail from ”Saint Francis in Meditation“ by Caravaggio (ca. 1610)

Portrait painting of Thomas Jefferson

Enlightenment visionary Thomas Jefferson

Image of nuclear explosion

The culmination of the Manhattan Project • US Department of Energy (Public Domain)

Image of airplane spraying DDT over forest

DDT being sprayed over an Oregon forest in 1955 • USDA Forest Service (Public Domain)

Image of a moose

Photo by Zachery Perry on Unsplash

Image of Chickamauga Dam with inset image of Peter Palchinsky

Chickamauga Dam and Peter Palchinsky (Public Domain)

Image of desk globe

Photo by Al Soot on Unsplash

Painting of Galileo demonstrating his telescope

Galileo demonstrating his telescope