Image of man in dirty overalls next to pile of graphite bricks

The world's first nuclear reactor was within a pile of graphite bricks • (Public Domain)

Chicago, December 1942

Physi­cist Albert Wat­ten­berg was pok­ing about in the Chica­go branch of the Nation­al Archives recent­ly. He was look­ing for arti­facts used by Enri­co Fer­mi and his team of nuclear physi­cists in achiev­ing the first self-sus­tain­ing nuclear reac­tion in a squash court under the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chicago’s foot­ball sta­di­um in Decem­ber 1942.

Image of disassembled medical models

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

Image of human oocyte

A human oocyte undergoing IVF • ZEISS Microscopy (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Image of Holocaust Memorial

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe—Berlin, Germany (Public Domain)