Children's drawing of animals

Drawing by Jake L. Snaddon, Edgar C. Turner, & William A. Foster (CC BY 2.5)

Image of magazine covers

Scientific American through the years

Image of The School of Athens

Detail from “The School of Athens” by Raphael

The mutual isolation societies

It has been 30 years since British sci­en­tist and nov­el­ist C. P. Snow cre­at­ed a stir among edu­ca­tors with his idea of the “two cul­tures.” Accord­ing to Snow, “sci­en­tif­ic cul­ture” and “lit­er­ary cul­ture” have become sep­a­rat­ed by a gulf of mutu­al incom­pre­hen­sion, often marked by hos­til­i­ty and dis­like. Sci­en­tists have noth­ing to say to those who prac­tice or study the arts — and vice ver­sa. Each cul­ture has its own lan­guage and agen­da. Each is impov­er­ished by igno­rance of the other.