Image of Halley's Comet

Halley's Comet, as seen in March 1986 • NASA/W. Liller (Public Domain)

Image of the Bayeux Tapestry

The 1066 visit of Halley's Comet as depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry (Public Domain)

Waiting for Halley’s

In 1948 Hal­ley’s Comet turned the dark cor­ner of its ellipse far out beyond the plan­et Nep­tune. Record­ed only by the astronomers’ cal­cu­la­tions, it leaned into its sun­ward curve, in the words of poet Ted Hugh­es, “like a skater on the thin ice of space.” Today it is glid­ing past the orbit of Sat­urn, gath­er­ing speed in its fall toward the sun.