Last week our part of southeastern Massachusetts was sprayed from the air with insecticide. The target: mosquitoes that carry the virus for Eastern equine encephalitis.
Articles with Cells
That cottage of darkness
In many ways my mother’s funeral was a joyous occasion — a time to celebrate her life, to celebrate family. A time, too, to think about death.
The revenge of the human Dixie cup
This is the tale of the disposable soma. It’s not exactly a pleasant tale, especially if you are on the silver side of fifty.
The consortium that is ourselves
I’ve been thinking about Lewis Thomas.
The unsimple apple
I have a colleague, a physicist, who tells his students, “If it’s not simple, it’s not physics.” He does not mean that physics is easy. He means that physics is the study of things simple enough to be described mathematically.
The human body’s ‘cell wars’ defense
Two stories have dominated the medical news lately: a promising new development in the war on cancer, and the increasing prevalence of the disease AIDS. The stories are closely related, and both focus our attention on the strategic defenses of the human body.