Image of the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit above Earth

The Hubble Space Telescope • STS-125/NASA

Artistic interpretation of an exploding light

Image by Pablo Carlos Budassi (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Image of laughing child

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Imagery from the WMAP satellite of the early universe

Temperature fluctuations in the early universe • NASA / WMAP Science Team (Public Domain)

Image of man seated under stars

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Image of COBE satellite

Artist's concept of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) • NASA (Public Domain)

Image of galaxy

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

Woodcut of God creating the universe

Woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (Public Domain)

Image of many galaxies

The Hubble Deep Field photograph • R. Williams (STScI), the Hubble Deep Field Team and NASA/ESA

Not with a bang but a laugh

A cre­ation myth from the ancient Mediter­ranean has God bring all things into being with sev­en laughs. Here is how Charles Doria and Har­ris Lenowitz trans­late the first laugh: Light (Flash) / showed up / All split­ter / born uni­verse god / fire god. Those lines are two thou­sand years old, but they apt­ly describe the mod­ern sci­en­tif­ic view of Creation.