Image of a flock of chickens

Photo by Wolfgang Mennel on Unsplash

Image of yearling deer

Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash

Image of stickleback

Three-spined stickleback • Photo by Piet Spaans (CC BY 2.5)

Image of deer herd

Photo by Anthony from Pexels

Birds and bees and Bambi

The week before last, the Humane Soci­ety of the Unit­ed States spon­sored a sci­en­tif­ic con­fer­ence in East Wind­sor, New Jer­sey, that con­sid­ered among oth­er things the use of con­tra­cep­tion in wildlife man­age­ment. Par­tic­i­pat­ing sci­en­tists hope to find prac­ti­cal ways to chem­i­cal­ly reg­u­late the fer­til­i­ty of wild mammals.

Image of frog

Photo by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash

Image of a laboratory mouse

Photo by Rama (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Rights of animals

When I was a boy grow­ing up in Ten­nessee I once snitched my uncle’s .22 rifle and went hunt­ing with my friends. My first shot brought a gray squir­rel tum­bling down through the branch­es of a tree. The squir­rel lay on the ground at my feet, its bel­ly pierced by a neat red hole, con­vulsed with pain. I watched, par­a­lyzed by hor­ror at what I had done, until one of my friends dis­patched the squir­rel with the butt of his rifle.