Image of a hummingbird hovering beside a flower blossom

Photo by alan braeley on Unsplash

Image of a statue honoring Pope John Paul II

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Black-and-white image of an open window looking out onto a rainy exterior

Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

Image of a group of people silhouetted by a setting sun

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Oil painting depicting a bearded man in robes receiving a vision of God in Heaven

"The Vision of the Prophet Ezekiel" by Ditlev Blunck (1830)

Ezekiel’s vision

As I ease into retire­ment, I have tak­en to spend­ing part of each year on a qui­et lit­tle island in the Caribbean. I came here look­ing for win­ter warmth, of course, but also for dark skies. I am a stargaz­er by life­long habit, and my pri­ma­ry home near a major Amer­i­can city is awash in arti­fi­cial light.

Astronomical image of a multi-colored nebula

The Orion nebula • NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Public Domain)

Image of a cup of coffee backlit by a window

Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Image of a marble sculpture depicting a woman receiving a kiss from a winged man

Detail of the sculpture "Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss" by Canova • Photo by Jean-Pol Grandmont (CC BY 4.0)

Image of two jagged windswept islands in a wide, dark ocean

Photo by Mark de Jong on Unsplash

Can a skeptic pray?

When two pagan Irish princess­es, daugh­ters of King Laoghaire, asked Patrick about his God, he is said to have answered: “Our God is the God of all things, the God of the sky and earth, the God of sea and stream, the God of sun and moon, the God of the great high moun­tains and the deep glens, the God of heav­en, in heav­en and under heaven.”

Image of a hummingbird and a bananaquit at a bird feeder

Photo by Feroze Omardeen (CC BY 2.0)