Image of two grasshoppers mating

Photo by Marisa Barrett on Unsplash

Image of DNA molecule model

Model of a DNA molecule • Photo by CGP Grey (CC BY 2.0)

Image of a juvenile Rhesus monkey

A juvenile Rhesus macaque • Photo by Charles J. Sharp (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Oval-shaped red and blue map of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation

Map of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation developed with the data provided by the COBE satellite • NASA (Public Domain)

Image of a rocky island with several recreational boats offshore

Tourist cruises at the Galápagos Islands • Photo by Deb Dowd on Unsplash

Painting of a populace decimated by a plague represented by emaciated skeletal figures

“The Triumph of Death” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1562)

Image of two silhouetted figures underneath the night sky

Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash