Image of a hand holding a mobile phone which is taking a photograph of a Christmas tree

Photo by Sabri Tuzcu on Unsplash

Image of a group of people silhouetted at dusk

Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash

Image of diffused dark gray lines on a light gray background

Photo by Julian Wirth on Unsplash

Image of two people looking up at the night sky

Photo by Edward Paterson on Unsplash

Close up image of the face of a grandfather clock

Photo by Matthew Wiebe on Unsplash

Close up image of an old man's hand holding a cane

Photo by Pixabay

Image of a young child reading a picture book

Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

Geese flying in a vee formation over a wilderness landscape

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

Human lessons from birds’ vee

Honk time. One of those late fall morn­ings when the sky turns a Max­field Par­rish blue just before sun­rise. One, two, three ragged files of Cana­da geese skim the tree­tops above my head, pre­ced­ed and fol­lowed by their honk­ing cho­rus, a noise of ram’s horns and shouts that would have top­pled the walls of Jericho.

Image of a float plane on a wilderness shoreline

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Photo of a bat with wings outstretched in flight

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash