Image of an assortment of wrapped gifts under a Christmas tree

Photo by Isaac Martin on Unsplash

A brown and white bird perched on a tree branch surrounded by red berries

Cedar waxwing • Photo by Patrice Bouchard on Unsplash

Artist's rendering of the proposed Extremely Large Telescope

Artist's rendering of the Extremely Large Telescope, which has supplanted the proposed OWL instrument • Swinburne Astronomy Productions/ESO (CC BY 4.0)

Close-up photograph of a six-sided snowflake

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Illustration of two hummingbirds feeding on flowers

John J. Audubon's illustration of Columbian hummingbirds

Artistic 3d rendering of the human brain against a purple background

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

We’re studying our thinking

It is not easy to live in that con­tin­u­ous aware­ness of things which alone is true liv­ing,” writes the nat­u­ral­ist Joseph Wood Krutch. And, of course, he is right. Our brains are sep­a­rat­ed from the world by a per­me­able mem­brane. Atten­tion flows out­ward. Sense impres­sions flow inwards. Of this two-way traf­fic we cre­ate a soul.

Watercolor painting of the blue-green earth on a purple background

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Image of airplane spraying DDT over forest

DDT being sprayed over an Oregon forest in 1955 • USDA Forest Service (Public Domain)

Image of pink and white spheres growing from a dead log

The fruiting bodies of Lycogala epidendrum • Photo by Benny Mazur (CC BY 2.0)

Image of a round wireless router with a large Apple logo

The first-generation Apple AirPort wireless basestation • Copyright Museums Victoria / CC BY