You’ll find it tucked away in the middle of the Sunday Globe on the page with the weather report, next to the Megabucks winning number and “This Day in History.”
Articles with 1988
Hello — to what am I speaking?
Inspired by a wide-ranging appraisal of Artificial Intelligence research in the current issue of Dædalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, I sat down at my word processor to write this column.
Gullible gulls and roaring deer
It is time to present the First Annual Gullible Gull Award for the most bizarre scientific research of the past year involving experimentation with animals — experiments that Shakespeare might call “wondrous strange.”
Elusive memories
If I remember rightly, it was back about 1963 that I first got interested in the biochemistry of memory. My curiosity was sparked by some remarkable experiments with flatworms — tiny, extremely primitive animals with rudimentary brains and nervous systems.
The moon rose like a stage set
Yesterday, just at sunset, the moon rose full. Tonight, if the sky is clear, a nearly-full moon will rise again — golden, majestic, and startlingly large.