Image of nuclear detonation

Castle Bravo nuclear test • United States Department of Energy (Public Domain)

Image of an island in the ocean

Photo by Zunnoon Ahmed on Unsplash

Image of bacteria

Image by Josef Reischig (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of whiteboard

Photo by Athanasios Bogris (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Even Galileo may have fudged

Two weeks ago, a team of researchers at Har­vard’s Dana-Far­ber Can­cer Insti­tute retract­ed a paper pub­lished ear­li­er this year [1986] in the jour­nal Sci­ence. The paper report­ed the dis­cov­ery of a mol­e­cule called inter­leukin-4A, which was said to play a role in ampli­fy­ing the immune respons­es of the human body. The iso­la­tion of the mol­e­cule was con­sid­ered a promis­ing step in the search for a cure for cancer.

Painting of Galileo demonstrating his telescope

Galileo demonstrating his telescope

Image of glowing tobacco leaves

Tobacco plant with firefly gene • National Science Foundation (Public Domain)

Image of dinosaur footprint

Dinosaur tracks in Dinosaur Valley State Park, Texas • Photo by Fredlyfish4 ((CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of burrs attached to sleeve

Burdock hitching a ride • Plant Image Library (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Image of space launch

A commercial space launch • Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Orbiting cemetery

Deke Slay­ton made it into the his­to­ry books by being one of the sev­en orig­i­nal astro­nauts — the guys with the “right stuff.” He made his­to­ry again by being present when an Apol­lo craft docked in space with a Sovi­et Soyuz vehi­cle, and Amer­i­can astro­nauts and shook hands in space with Sovi­et cosmonauts.

Image of cave paintings

Reproduction of the cave at Altamira • Photo by Matthias Kabel ((CC BY 2.5)