Orion the Hunter, the Giant, the pursuer of the Pleiades, is a familiar figure in the night sky. Even the neophyte stargazer will recognize the three bright stars of Orion’s belt, and the triad of stars that are the sword dangling at his hip. If the night is clear you might notice that the middle star of the sword lacks the sharp definition of the other stars. Binoculars will show that the “star” is not a star at all, but a blur of greenish light. Observatory photographs record a swirling drapery of luminous gas.
Articles with 1983
The possum’s progress
The possum is not an attractive domestic scavenger, having the scruffy, unkempt look of a Bowery bum and the reputation, probably deserved, of being stupid. Certainly the possum lacks the cuddlesome charm of its partner in backyard crime, the raccoon.
Did a meteorite destroy the dinosaurs?
The meteor was traveling through space at tens of thousands of miles per hour when it collided with the earth. It was as big as a house, weighed a hundred thousand tons, and blasted a hole in the ground the size of downtown Boston.