Supercomputers can change physics

Supercomputers can change physics

Argonne National Laboratory Supercomputer (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Originally published 16 December 1985

There is a new gen­er­a­tion of super­com­put­ers on the hori­zon, machines that are many times faster and more pow­er­ful than any­thing exist­ing today. It is my guess that the new machines will rev­o­lu­tion­ize physics. They will not just change the way we do physics; rather, they will change the way physi­cists think about the nat­ur­al world. Let me explain.

I have a friend, a physi­cist, who tells his stu­dents, “If it’s not sim­ple, it’s not physics.” He does not mean that physics is easy. He means that physics is the search for nature’s fun­da­men­tal laws, and it is the physi­cist’s deep con­vic­tion that those laws are ele­gant­ly simple.

That con­vic­tion has been con­firmed by the suc­cess of physics over the past few cen­turies. With only a hand­ful of sim­ple math­e­mat­i­cal equa­tions, physi­cists can explain an aston­ish­ing vari­ety of nat­ur­al phenomena.

Simple systems only

The prob­lem with this method of inves­ti­gat­ing nature is that the math­e­mat­i­cal equa­tions can be solved exact­ly only for very sim­ple sys­tems. For exam­ple, the equa­tions for grav­i­ta­tion­al inter­ac­tions can only be solved explic­it­ly for two or three mutu­al­ly inter­act­ing objects. That is enough to describe the motion of the earth about the sun or a ball thrown into the air, but it is of lit­tle use for describ­ing how two galax­ies col­lide or how a space­craft wends its way among the many moons of Jupiter.

To over­come this lim­i­ta­tion, physi­cists look for approx­i­mate solu­tions to the equa­tions. Obtain­ing the approx­i­mate solu­tions is usu­al­ly a time-con­sum­ing busi­ness of “num­ber crunch­ing.” The ear­ly his­to­ry of com­put­ers was large­ly a sto­ry of try­ing to find machines that would make the num­ber crunch­ing less tedious.

But even as physi­cists used com­put­ers as tools for find­ing approx­i­mate solu­tions to their equa­tions, they remained con­vinced that it was the exact solu­tions that cap­tured the essence nature’s beau­ty. Some the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cists I know scorn the use of com­put­ers as a cheap and unsat­is­fy­ing way of doing physics.

But now, after sev­er­al decades of using high-speed com­put­ers to inves­ti­gate com­plex phe­nom­e­na, many physi­cists believe the machines are sub­tly trans­form­ing our atti­tudes about order and beau­ty in nature. They argue that there are sig­nif­i­cant pat­terns in nature that emerge only at high­er lev­els of com­plex­i­ty, pat­terns that are not appar­ent in the “sim­ple” equa­tions and their exact solutions.

This new­ly emerg­ing phi­los­o­phy of nat­ur­al form has made physi­cists more anx­ious than ever to gain access to the com­ing gen­er­a­tion of super­com­put­ers, not just as num­ber crunch­ers but as instru­ments — like tele­scopes or par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tors — for explo­ration and dis­cov­ery. For a while, it seemed that the cost of such machines would put them beyond the reach of pure­ly aca­d­e­m­ic research. But now the Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion has com­mit­ted $200 mil­lion over the next five years to cre­ate a sys­tem of nation­al super­com­put­er research cen­ters open to every­one in the sci­en­tif­ic community.

Four super­com­put­er cen­ters will be estab­lished, at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois, Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty, Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at San Diego. Lar­ry Smarr, the direc­tor of the Illi­nois cen­ter has called the estab­lish­ment of the cen­ters “the begin­ning of a true rev­o­lu­tion” in sci­ence. Ken­neth Wil­son, who heads the Cor­nell cen­ter, has referred to “a new strat­e­gy for sci­en­tif­ic investigation.”

Probing complexity

It may no longer be true to say that if it is not sim­ple it is not physics. Smarr has said this: “Many of the phe­nom­e­na of nature are inher­ent­ly unsym­met­ri­cal and time-depen­dent. The beau­ty of the ever-chang­ing, three-dimen­sion­al struc­ture of clouds is sure­ly as great as the beau­ty of a per­fect crys­tal. To explore such phe­nom­e­na requires the abil­i­ty, which (the super­com­put­ers) give us, to probe complexity.”

It has become pos­si­ble to sim­u­late on the screen of a com­put­er things that elude clas­si­cal ana­lyt­ic descrip­tion: for exam­ple, the inter­ac­tion of col­lid­ing galax­ies, the swirling pat­terns of glob­al weath­er, or gas stream­ing into a black hole. What impress­es all observers of these efforts is the stun­ning beau­ty that char­ac­ter­izes the dynam­ic com­put­er simulations.

The panora­mas on the com­put­er screen exhib­it a lush and extrav­a­gant beau­ty quite unlike the spare ele­gance of the tra­di­tion­al solu­tions to the equa­tions of physics. The tra­di­tion­al solu­tions are sat­is­fy­ing­ly sim­ple, but the com­put­er sim­u­la­tions more close­ly approach nature’s own unbri­dled exu­ber­ance of form.

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