Stromatolites and sun-lovers

Stromatolites and sun-lovers

Modern stromatolites in Shark Bay, Western Australia • Paul Harrison (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Originally published 19 May 1986

Some 19th cen­tu­ry geol­o­gists assigned the ori­gin of life to the Cam­bri­an Peri­od of geo­log­ic his­to­ry. Rocks younger than the Cam­bri­an con­tain fos­sil evi­dence for life that is strik­ing and abun­dant. Old­er for­ma­tions seemed not to con­tain fos­sils of liv­ing organisms.

But the ear­ly geol­o­gists were wrong. When the Cam­bri­an Peri­od began about 600 mil­lion years ago, life had already exist­ed on Earth for 3 bil­lion years. Before the Cam­bri­an, life on Earth con­sist­ed sole­ly of sin­gle-celled, soft-bod­ied microor­gan­isms that indi­vid­u­al­ly left an almost invis­i­ble impres­sion in the rocks. Only with the devel­op­ment of larg­er ani­mals with shells and bony struc­tures does the fos­sil record for life become read­i­ly apparent.

But the micro­scop­ic crea­tures of the Pre­cam­bri­an did leave one con­spic­u­ous rel­ic in the rocks, and that is the struc­tures called stromatolites.

Stro­ma­to­lites are built by sun­light-seek­ing microbes that live in shal­low-water envi­ron­ments. The microbes live in mats that are as small as a thumb­nail or as large as a din­ner plate. These sticky mats trap fine sed­i­ments sus­pend­ed in the water (chiefly par­ti­cles of cal­cite), which are cement­ed into place. The accu­mu­lat­ing sed­i­ments screen sun­light. The microbes push through to the sun­ny top, where they begin to trap anoth­er lay­er of sed­i­ments. In this way the microbes build up stony columns or domes as they scram­ble for the sun.

Fos­sil stro­ma­to­lites have been found in rocks as old as 3.5 bil­lion years. They are among the ear­li­est evi­dences for life on Earth.

Some still at work

The gold­en age of stro­ma­to­lites began about 2.5 bil­lion years ago, and they remained abun­dant until the rapid diver­si­fi­ca­tion of ani­mals that occurred at the begin­ning of the Cam­bri­an Peri­od. Since the Cam­bri­an, stro­ma­to­lites have been much less com­mon, but in cer­tain spe­cial envi­ron­ments mod­ern microbes still build tow­ers and domes.

Some fos­sil stro­ma­to­lites in ancient rocks are inclined, like the Tow­er of Pisa, to the stra­ta in which they are found. Pos­si­bly the incli­na­tion was caused by phys­i­cal fac­tors, such as the direc­tion of sed­i­ment sup­ply (the shore­line) or the direc­tion of the pre­vail­ing wind. Anoth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that ancient stro­ma­to­lites grew in the direc­tion of the sun­light, like house plants in a win­dow. This ten­den­cy to grow toward light is called heliotropism.

In recent [1986] issues of Sci­ence and EOS (Trans­ac­tions of the Amer­i­can Geo­phys­i­cal Union), Stan­ley Awramik and James Vanyo of the Uni­ver­si­ty of California/Santa Bar­bara report find­ing mod­ern heliotrop­ic stro­ma­to­lites at Shark Bay, West­ern Aus­tralia, and in ther­mal pools at Yel­low­stone Nation­al Park. Their dis­cov­ery that liv­ing stro­ma­to­lites some­times incline toward the sun, sup­ports the idea of heliotro­pism in fos­sil stromatolites.

If ancient stro­ma­to­lites leaned toward the sun, then their fos­sils can be remark­ably rich clues to the past.

Vanyo and Awramik have found fos­sil stro­ma­to­lites in the Bit­ter Springs For­ma­tion of Cen­tral Aus­tralia that strong­ly sug­gest heliotro­pism. The lean­ing fos­sil columns have a wavy struc­ture, which the inves­ti­ga­tors inter­pret as a year­ly back-and-forth sway as the microbes fol­lowed the sea­son­al motion of the sun. There are 435 fine lay­ers in the columns for each annu­al wave.

Vanyo and Awramik assume that the lay­ers record dai­ly growth, which sug­gests that a solar year then con­sist­ed of 435 days. This result was not sur­pris­ing: There are the­o­ret­i­cal rea­sons for sup­pos­ing that the Earth­’s spin-rate has slowed down since the time of the plan­et’s formation.

Data on Earth’s history

Still more infor­ma­tion can be gleaned from the ancient stro­ma­to­lites. The ampli­tude of the wavi­ness should yield infor­ma­tion about the degree to which the Earth­’s axis was tilt­ed to the sun. If vari­a­tions caused by the tides can be found in the lay­er­ing, they will be clues to the num­ber of days in a lunar month.

Final­ly, heliotrop­ic stro­ma­to­lites can tell us some­thing about the drift of con­ti­nents dur­ing the Earth­’s ear­ly his­to­ry. The direc­tion of tilt of the columns is a kind of fos­sil com­pass that indi­cates north or south. The degree of tilt yields infor­ma­tion about the lat­i­tude of the con­ti­nent at the time the struc­tures formed.

For all of this infor­ma­tion we must be grate­ful to the micro­bial engi­neers that built these endur­ing structures.

The impor­tance of the fos­sil stro­ma­to­lites lies in their very great antiq­ui­ty. For­tu­nate­ly, suf­fi­cient num­bers of the tow­er-build­ing microbes con­tin­ue to go about their busi­ness — at Shark Bay and Yel­low­stone — to instruct us in their methods.

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