Snaring a Snark

Snaring a Snark

A bubble chamber photograph of an antiproton/proton collision (Public Domain)

Originally published 6 October 1986

The word from CERN, Europe’s big high-ener­gy physics lab, is that the antipro­ton has been trapped. The antipro­ton has been caught and stored for sev­er­al min­utes in a bottle.

The antipro­ton, like Lewis Car­rol­l’s Snark, is “a pecu­liar crea­ture, that won’t be caught in a com­mon­place way.” It took a very spe­cial kind of bot­tle to con­tain this very strange par­ti­cle. But before we get to the bot­tle — a lit­tle bit of history.

Back in 1928 the physi­cist Paul A. M. Dirac invent­ed a math­e­mat­i­cal the­o­ry that described the prop­er­ties of the elec­tron. The elec­tron, with the pro­ton and the neu­tron, is one of the fun­da­men­tal par­ti­cles out of which our world is made. Dirac’s the­o­ry was beau­ti­ful, but it had a prob­lem. It pre­dict­ed the exis­tence of a par­ti­cle that was iden­ti­cal to the elec­tron in every respect except for a pos­i­tive rather than neg­a­tive elec­tric charge. The pre­dict­ed par­ti­cle was dubbed an anti­elec­tron. No one had ever seen such a particle.

Then, in 1932, anti­elec­trons were found among the debris that results when pow­er­ful radi­a­tion from space, called cos­mic rays, col­lides with atoms in the Earth­’s atmos­phere. In the after­math of such col­li­sions, pairs of elec­trons and anti­elec­trons come into exis­tence togeth­er, from pure ener­gy, in accor­dance with Ein­stein’s prin­ci­ple of the equiv­a­lence of mat­ter and ener­gy. With the dis­cov­ery of the anti­elec­tron, Dirac’s the­o­ry was vin­di­cat­ed. Nature, as Dirac sus­pect­ed, loves symmetry.

If anti­elec­trons exist, then why not antipro­tons. An antipro­ton would be like a pro­ton except it would have a neg­a­tive rather than pos­i­tive charge. But a pro­ton has almost 2000 times the mass of an elec­tron. To cre­ate a pro­ton-antipro­ton pair requires 2000 times more ener­gy than to make an elec­tron-anti­elec­tron pair. It was­n’t until 1952, when the giant Beva­tron par­ti­cle-accel­er­at­ing machine at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia came on-line, that antipro­tons were pro­duced and recognized.

Mutual annihilation

If nature allows the exis­tence of anti­elec­trons and antipro­tons, why are there none about? The rea­son is this: If a par­ti­cle and its antipar­ti­cle meet, they anni­hi­late each oth­er. They dis­ap­pear from the uni­verse in a puff of pure energy.

Mat­ter and anti­mat­ter can­not coex­ist. If the physi­cist cre­ates an antipar­ti­cle in the lab­o­ra­to­ry, it will last only for the frac­tion of a sec­ond it takes to meet with its oppo­site. An antipro­ton pro­duced in the lab­o­ra­to­ry finds itself in a world made of pro­tons and with no place to hide. Almost instant­ly — puff — it’s gone.

And this is the impor­tance of the new work report­ed in the Sept. 26 [1986] issue of Sci­ence. A group of researchers, includ­ing sev­en from Amer­i­can insti­tu­tions and two from Ger­many, cap­tured antipro­tons pro­duced by the big par­ti­cle accel­er­at­ing machine at the CERN lab­o­ra­to­ries near Gene­va. They “bot­tled” the antipro­tons and kept them in exis­tence for sev­er­al minutes.

First, the researchers slowed down the antipro­tons that emerged from the big machine. Then they let the anti­mat­ter par­ti­cles into their bot­tle-like trap. Of course, no bot­tle made of ordi­nary mat­ter would work. The bot­tle was made of elec­tric and mag­net­ic fields. A pow­er­ful mag­net­ic field kept the par­ti­cles con­fined along the axis of a cylin­der. Elec­tric fields on the end­caps of the bot­tle kept the antipro­tons shut­tling back and forth from end to end.

The key to suc­cess was not let­ting the antipro­tons come into con­tact with ordi­nary mat­ter. Air was pumped out of the trap and the elec­tric and mag­net­ic fields kept the antipro­tons away from the sides. Still, after 10 min­utes, only five antipro­tons sur­vived from the sev­er­al hun­dred orig­i­nal­ly cap­tured. The loss came main­ly from col­li­sions of antipro­tons with mol­e­cules of resid­ual air still in the trap.

Snaring the Snark

For var­i­ous rea­sons involv­ing sched­ul­ing and equip­ment fail­ure, the group had only one day to test their trap. It was just enough time to know that the Snark can be caught.

In future exper­i­ments, the group hopes to raise the stor­age time to days or weeks. Bot­tled antipro­tons could then be moved from place to place for the pur­pose of study. One obvi­ous exper­i­ment is to mea­sure more pre­cise­ly than ever before the mass of antipro­tons, and con­firm that in this respect they are twins of protons.

There is a poten­tial dark side to this sto­ry. Anti­mat­ter could be the ulti­mate weapon. If a pea-size chunk of anti­mat­ter was sud­den­ly released into our world, it would dis­ap­pear with a blast of ener­gy that could lev­el a city. For­tu­nate­ly, it’s a long way from trap­ping a few hun­dred antipro­tons in a leaky bot­tle to accu­mu­lat­ing, stor­ing, and trans­port­ing the one sep­til­lion antipro­tons nec­es­sary to make that dead­ly pea.

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