Roots of clay for family tree?

Roots of clay for family tree?

Photo by [2Ni] on Unsplash

Originally published 29 June 1987

At the time Gen­e­sis was writ­ten, clay was the pre­mier mate­r­i­al of arti­sans. Of it were made con­tain­ers, tablets for writ­ing, and effi­gies of ani­mals and men. So what was more nat­ur­al than for the Cre­ator to do his work in the same medi­um. Accord­ing to the author of Gen­e­sis, the Lord took up clay into his hands and mold­ed it into the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. And the first man.

If British chemist A. G. Cairns-Smith is right, the sto­ry of Gen­e­sis may not be far off the mark. Cairns-Smith is the most vig­or­ous advo­cate for a the­o­ry that is gain­ing increas­ing sup­port among biol­o­gists and chemists: Clay may have been the cat­a­lyst that caused life to begin on this planet.

It is wide­ly agreed that all life forms on Earth — bac­te­ria, cab­bages, sala­man­ders, and humans — share a com­mon ances­try. We are all made of the same mol­e­c­u­lar build­ing-blocks; our chem­istry is iden­ti­cal; we share a repro­duc­tive mech­a­nism based on DNA and RNA mol­e­cules. From the point of view of the mol­e­c­u­lar biol­o­gist, the bac­teri­um and the blue whale are more alike than they are different.

By def­i­n­i­tion, life repro­duces — and there are ade­quate rea­sons to expect occa­sion­al “errors” in the copy­ing process that results in an off­spring not quite like its prog­en­i­tor. Nature selects for sur­vival the “errors” that are most fit. Start with a pri­ma­ry organ­ism, a bac­teri­um for instance, and giv­en enough time the bac­teri­um will evolve into cab­bages and sala­man­ders. And into biologists.

It is that first bac­teri­um that is the real prob­lem. No one has yet pro­vid­ed a sat­is­fac­to­ry expla­na­tion for where that first liv­ing cell might have come from. Two the­o­ries have been pop­u­lar: 1) The first organ­isms arrived on Earth from some­where else (which mere­ly defers the prob­lem of explain­ing the ori­gin of life); or 2) the first liv­ing organ­isms hap­pened spon­ta­neous­ly on the ear­ly Earth.

Seeking the essence of life

Many exper­i­ments since the 1950s have attempt­ed to recre­ate in the lab­o­ra­to­ry the chem­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions of the ear­ly Earth. In these exper­i­ments most of the mol­e­c­u­lar build­ing blocks of life — sug­ars, phos­phates, organ­ic bases, amino acids — have been spon­ta­neous­ly pro­duced. But the cre­ation of the mol­e­cules that are the essence of life — DNA, RNA, and pro­teins — has so far elud­ed researchers.

To make a pro­tein, small­er amino acid units must link up in a par­tic­u­lar sequence many hun­dreds of units long. As the chain assem­bles it twists into a helix, like a tele­phone cord. At the same time the helix folds up into a crum­pled cross-linked shape that is deter­mined by the sequence of amino acids. It is the shape of the pro­tein that decides its role in life.

The DNA mol­e­cule is anoth­er chain of sim­ple sub-units. It is shaped like a spi­ral stair­case. The side rails of the stair­case are sug­ars and phos­phates, and the treads are pairs of organ­ic bases. In a typ­i­cal DNA mol­e­cule there are bil­lions of steps on the stair­case, and it is the sequence of the steps that is the genet­ic code.

DNA is the secret to life’s abil­i­ty to repro­duce. The mol­e­cule copies itself by unzip­ping down the mid­dle, with each side strand act­ing as a tem­plate for reassem­bling its com­ple­ment. Seg­ments of DNA, with the assis­tance of RNA, sup­ply the tem­plates for build­ing proteins.

In prin­ci­ple, it’s all chem­istry. So why can’t researchers make it hap­pen in the lab? To con­struct DNA and pro­teins from non-liv­ing mat­ter requires the con­cen­tra­tion of raw mate­ri­als, an input of ener­gy, the removal of water, some­thing to orga­nize the raw mate­ri­als, and a cat­a­lyst — con­di­tions that have proven noto­ri­ous­ly dif­fi­cult to achieve simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. And that’s where clay comes in.

Life from non-life

As long ago as the late 1940s, the chemist J. D. Bernal point­ed out that clay is an ide­al mate­r­i­al to facil­i­tate the syn­the­sis of com­plex organ­ic mol­e­cules. Clay is not just muck; it is a high­ly-ordered crys­talline sub­stance with a sur­face ten­den­cy to attract and hold organ­ic mol­e­cules. Clay can serve as a tem­plate for orga­niz­ing organ­ic mol­e­cules into long chains. The wet­ting and dry­ing cycles of clay can trans­fer ener­gy from the envi­ron­ment to the assem­bling chains. And clay can shield com­plex organ­ic sub­stances from the dis­or­ga­niz­ing influ­ence of sunlight.

Was clay was the cat­a­lyst for the first organ­isms? The chemist A. G. Cairns-Smith thinks so — and he goes even fur­ther. He believes the first self-repli­cat­ing mol­e­cules may actu­al­ly have been fil­a­ments of clay, only lat­er replaced by the DNA-like sub­stances they helped to organize.

Life makes life; it hap­pens all the time in every cell. But how did non-life make life? It is one of the biggest ques­tions in biol­o­gy, and maybe clay holds the answer to the rid­dle. The chem­i­cal reac­tions that take place on the sur­face of clay are being vig­or­ous­ly stud­ied at lab­o­ra­to­ries around the world. It is not incon­ceiv­able that at some time in the future life will be a lab­o­ra­to­ry arti­fact, fab­ri­cat­ed on a bed of clay. The author of Gen­e­sis may have had it right.

Cairns-Smith’s clay hypoth­e­sis has not received main­stream sci­en­tif­ic accep­tance, part­ly due to the dif­fi­cul­ty of test­ing the the­o­ry. Cairns-Smith passed away in 2016. ‑Ed.

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