From a microbe’s point of view, there is nothing more attractive than a newborn human infant. A pristine planet waiting to be colonized.
Our family album of the bomb
The Danish physicist Niels Bohr, the father of atomic physics, was skeptical.
Starry summer nights
Childhood has two seasons: anticipation and summer.
Prime time isn’t ready for real science
Nobel prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman wants to bring science to prime time television.
Messages from space
How do we gather the stuff of the universe for study here on Earth?
Thinking and learning have nothing to do with IT
A document titled “Using Information Technology to Enhance Academic Productivity” recently came across my desk.
It all adds up to a very Big Bang
“Professor, that stuff you spoke of in class this morning — about the beginning of the universe…”
From the beetles’ point of view
A famous story in the history of science has the classical scholar Benjamin Jowett ask the biologist J. B. S. Haldane what he had learned about God from his scientific studies.
A higher kind of growing up
Nine years ago, to escape the terror and unrest of their war-torn homeland, 10,000 boys of the Dinka tribe of southern Sudan began an unaccompanied trek that would take them hundreds of miles into Ethiopia, back to Sudan, and finally to a refugee camp in Kenya.
The sounds we hear too rarely
Maybe it’s because I don’t hear as keenly as I used to that I’ve been paying more attention to my auditory sense.