Should scientists studying the health effects of nicotine accept funding from the tobacco industry?
A new angle on peace and patience
LegPull Press has just published “The New Compleat Angler” by Izaak Walton XII.
Eyeing the machinery of the spirit
More than three centuries ago, Pascal said, “Man considering himself is the great prodigy of nature. For he cannot conceive what his body is, even less what his spirit is, and least of all how body can be united with spirit.”
All you need is (eons) of time
The first media reports of evidence for life on Mars were pure NASA gush. Scientists discover evidence of life on Mars. Give us a few billion bucks and we’ll go look for it.
Immortality for everyone on a chip of silicon
I watched as a tourist dismounted from a tour bus in Dingle town the other day. His video camcorder was glued to his eye as he came down the steps. Missed the bottom step and fell flat on his face.
It’s a small world after all
Last week’s announcement [in 1996] by NASA of evidence of life on Mars was top-of-the-front-page news in this remote corner of Ireland.
The monster in the Milky Way
Every child at some time in his life has written his address this way: Billy Smith, 426 Oak Ave., Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe.
The bite that binds us
Here’s something to think about while you’re slapping mosquitoes this summer. We have more in common with these creatures than you might think.
Growing up with the BOMC
Dear Book-of-the-Month-Club, this is a fan letter from someone who has never belonged to your club.
A little poetry with the facts, M’am
Most people who make a living communicating science spend long hours reading the scientific literature. In a typical week, I peruse several books and a dozen journals.