New variety among the stars

New variety among the stars

R136 in the Tarantula Nebula • By NASA, ESA, F. Paresce, R. O'Connell (Public Domain)

Originally published 19 November 1984

A pop­u­la­tion pro­file of the stars is like a pyramid. 

At the top of the pyra­mid are the blue giant stars, the lords of the galaxy. They are few in num­ber and excep­tion­al­ly lumi­nous. Blue giants are as much as 10 times hot­ter than the Sun and 100 times more mas­sive. They burn with a feroc­i­ty that exhausts their nuclear fuel with­in a few mil­lion years. The stars of Ori­on’s belt are blue giant stars, dis­tant, daz­zling, dwarf­ing the Sun, doomed to an ear­ly death.

At the bot­tom of the pyra­mid are the crowd­ed ranks of red dwarf stars. These tiny stars are typ­i­cal­ly not much larg­er than Jupiter. They are cool­er and less lumi­nous than the Sun, and burn slow­ly for tens of bil­lions of years like banked fires. Many of near­est neigh­bor­ing stars are red dwarfs, but they are so dim they can be seen only with a telescope.

The Sun is in every sense a typ­i­cal star. It is mid­dle-sized, mid­dle-aged, and of aver­age tem­per­a­ture, com­fort­ably lodged in the mid­dle ech­e­lons of the stel­lar pyramid.

Variety of stars

Until recent­ly, astronomers thought the dynam­ics of star for­ma­tion ruled out the exis­tence of stars more than 100 times as mas­sive as the Sun. And they believed that objects with less than a 25th of the Sun’s mass would not be suf­fi­cient­ly hot at their cores to ini­ti­ate stel­lar burning.

Now, dis­cov­er­ies of super bright and super dim star-like objects are caus­ing astronomers to rede­fine their pic­ture of the stel­lar population.

What may be the most mas­sive star yet dis­cov­ered has been found in the Large Cloud of Mag­el­lan, a small com­pan­ion galaxy to the Milky Way. The object des­ig­nat­ed R136, and it is locat­ed near the cen­ter of a cloud of hot, ion­ized gas known as the Taran­tu­la Neb­u­la. The Taran­tu­la Neb­u­la is the largest and bright­est gaseous neb­u­la in the local group of galax­ies. The gas of the neb­u­la is caused to glow by the radi­a­tion of hot young stars embed­ded in the cloud. R136 is by far the bright­est of the objects embed­ded in the cloud. It pours out ener­gy equiv­a­lent of 50 mil­lion Suns.

It is not yet cer­tain whether the object buried at the heart of the Taran­tu­la is a sin­gle enor­mous star six times more lumi­nous than any star pre­vi­ous­ly known, or a clus­ter of blue giant stars packed into an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly small vol­ume of space. Either hypoth­e­sis forces astronomers to recon­sid­er their the­o­ries for how stars form.

Discoveries to come

The Space Tele­scope to be launched by NASA in 1986 will help deter­mine the true nature of the mys­te­ri­ous object in the Taran­tu­la. That tele­scope, fly­ing high above the atmos­phere, will have a res­o­lu­tion 10 times bet­ter than ground-based instruments.

A poten­tial­ly more excit­ing dis­cov­ery is the object known as LHS 2924, report­ed last year by astronomers Robert Prob­st and James Liebert. LHS 2924 appears to be the first record­ed exam­ple of a “brown dwarf,” an object cool­er and less lumi­nous than the red dwarf stars that pop­u­late the low­est ranks of the stel­lar pyra­mid. The object is pre­sum­ably a plan­et-sized ball of gas whose grav­i­ta­tion­al con­trac­tion pro­duces enough heat to make it glow faint­ly, but not enough to ignite the nuclear fires that make a true star shine.

With the help of the Hub­ble Space Tele­scope (launched in 1990, after this essay was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished), astronomers have deter­mined that the object known as R136 with­in the Taran­tu­la Neb­u­la is actu­al­ly a dense clus­ter of super-hot, mas­sive stars (pic­tured above) rather than one sin­gle stel­lar object. ‑Ed.

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