Getting personal in the lab

Getting personal in the lab

Photo by Michelle Leman from Pexels

Originally published 8 February 1999

As a Valen­tine’s week ser­vice to our read­ers, this col­umn again offers per­son­al ads from sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy pro­fes­sion­als. Here­with, more cries from the hearts of the white-coat­ed lovelorn:

Wealthy, suc­cess­ful hard­ware devel­op­er, DWM, 55, seeks thir­ty-ish soft­ware pro­fes­sion­al for love­bytes, time­ly back­ups, and pos­si­ble long-term rela­tion­ship. Must be Y2K compliant.

Attrac­tive blond pri­ma­tol­o­gist, 36, fea­tured on own Nation­al Geo­graph­ic spe­cial, seeks alpha male to share goril­la stake­outs in the African rain for­est. Please, well-groomed veg­e­tar­i­ans only.

Livewire elec­tri­cal engi­neer, SBF, 38, tired of blown fus­es, look­ing for a man who knows a volt from an ohm, with 50-amp break­ers and kilo­watts of pep. I know you’re out there. Let’s make sparks.

Con­sult­ing psy­chol­o­gist, 48, thrice divorced but still believes in true love. Look­ing for tall, shape­ly, full-bust­ed, child­less, non-gar­ru­lous, city-lov­ing, sex­u­al­ly-adven­tur­ous, agnos­tic, ath­let­ic, hygien­ic, non-drink­ing, non-smok­ing, tidy, blue-eyed blonde, 25 – 35, with no hang-ups. Good legs a must.

Stars in your eyes? This heav­en­ly DWF astronomer, 42, with stel­lar per­son­al­i­ty and dilat­ed pupils, knows that some­where on this plan­et is just the man she is look­ing for. I can focus on essen­tials; can you? It will help if you are home in the afternoons.

Hand­some tech­no junkie, GWM, 28, loves gad­gets, but tired of vir­tu­al real­i­ty. I’ll bring the com­put­ers, cell phones, per­son­al orga­niz­ers, cable modems, scan­ners, dig­i­tal cam­eras, Inter­net ser­vice provider, and sub­scrip­tion to Wired mag­a­zine. You sup­ply the wine, music, romance. Is it possible?

Let’s splice. Fit, attrac­tive, healthy geneti­cist at pres­ti­gious uni­ver­si­ty, SWF, 37, bio­log­i­cal clock tick­ing, seeks fit, attrac­tive, healthy, intel­li­gent SWM, 25 – 45, for…who knows? Let’s see what hap­pens. Pho­to and chro­mo­some scan appreciated.

Excel­lent­ly attrac­tive, roman­tic Russ­ian space sci­en­tist, SWM, 44, lives and works in Novokuznet­sk, Siberia, seeks female Amer­i­can space scientist/engineer, any age, for pen pal rela­tion­ship. Please send pho­to, 3.5‑inch flop­py disks, SR47 bat­ter­ies, 74LS107 chips, car­bon paper.

Gen­tle, gen­er­ous, lov­ing, attrac­tive, and lone­ly her­petol­o­gist seeks woman who will love me and my col­lec­tion of snakes. I have boas, vipers, kraits, mam­bas, files, warts, and a gen­tle, gen­er­ous, lov­ing, attrac­tive, and lone­ly nine-foot retic­u­lat­ed python that you will love too. Please respond. Please.

Har­vard-edu­cat­ed PhD lin­guist wants to whis­per sweet noth­ings in your ear. Fifty-ish pro­fes­sor seeks spe­cial lady for qui­et walks on beach­es, maybe more. Are you adorable, beau­ti­ful, a cutie full of charms? Delight­ful, excit­ing, a feath­er in my arms? Words can­not describe my longing.

Tall, dark, and hand­some para­psy­chol­o­gist, DBM, 48, knows what he is look­ing for and feels your vibes. Do you feel mine too? Let’s put this extrasen­so­ry stuff behind us and get down to busi­ness. You know where to find me. Please call.

Can’t for­get those Swedes. Nobel-prizewin­ning chemist, DWM, 63, has mon­ey in the bank and an emp­ty place in his heart. Seeks tall, blond, blue-eyed Viking for Bergman movies, Ibsen plays, cross-coun­try ski­ing, sauna, vod­ka, and birch lash­es. GSOH a plus, but not necessary.

Please thaw my icy heart. Attrac­tive SJF cli­ma­tol­o­gist, 37, has been out in the cold too long. Time for a lit­tle glob­al warm­ing. If you fit the bill, you are a chain-smok­ing rain for­est lum­ber­jack, 35 – 45, who loves the sound of inter­nal com­bus­tion. Baby, let’s set the world on fire.

38 – 24 – 36. Drop-dead gor­geous SWF the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist, spe­cial­ist in hyper­di­men­sion­al rel­a­tivis­tic quan­tum cos­mol­o­gy, is tired of being con­sid­ered just anoth­er brain. Look­ing for a sweet non­in­tel­lec­tu­al hunk who will love me for my phys­i­cal qual­i­ties. Pho­to required.

Microchip design­er, SWM, 38, still seeks petite beauty.

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