ERROR: Too old for new device

ERROR: Too old for new device

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Originally published 8 May 2001

As a pub­lic ser­vice, Sci­ence Mus­ings offers an all-pur­pose Trou­bleshoot­ing Guide for your newest elec­tron­ic device:

PROBLEM: My device will not turn on.

SOLUTION: Try restart­ing the device.

PROBLEM: Was I not clear? The device will not start.

SOLUTION: The bat­tery may be dead. Replace only with bat­tery num­ber 3BX-1267, avail­able for $29.95 from your autho­rized equip­ment deal­er. Use of any oth­er bat­tery may result in dam­age to your equip­ment and will void warranty.

PROBLEM: I have replaced the bat­tery, and the device still does not work.

SOLUTION: Try hold­ing down the CTRL, DEL, OPTION, RE-SEND, and ESC keys simul­ta­ne­ous­ly while press­ing the ON but­ton. If this does­n’t work, use a fine point­ed pen­cil to press the RESET but­ton, which is locat­ed in a tiny hole on the back of the device.

PROBLEM: My pen­cil point broke off in the RESET hole. The but­ton appears to be jammed.

SOLUTION: You have just void­ed the war­ran­ty. Try using a paper clip.

PROBLEM: Still no luck.

SOLUTION: The prob­lem may be a faulty fuse. The fuse is locat­ed inside the device hous­ing adja­cent to the bat­tery com­part­ment. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THE HOUSING. This can result in elec­tric shock and will void war­ran­ty. Take device to an autho­rized deal­er for fuse replacement.

PROBLEM: There is no autho­rized deal­er with­in rea­son­able dri­ving dis­tance of my residence.

SOLUTION: Pack device in the car­ton it came in and mail or couri­er express to our fac­to­ry main­te­nance facil­i­ty, Box 2387‑H, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Allow eight weeks for fuse replace­ment and return. Include return ship­ping charges in Malaysian currency.

PROBLEM: The device turns on, but the start-up screen does not appear. Instead, it reads ERROR CODE 437.

SOLUTION: The receiv­ing sig­nal may be noisy. Make sure that your device is away from any source of poten­tial inter­fer­ence, such as met­al walls or cab­i­nets, microwave ovens, radios, tele­vi­sions, toast­ers, dish­wash­ers, clothes dry­ers, auto­mo­bile igni­tion sys­tems, elec­tron­ic play sta­tions, lawn­mow­ers, etc.

PROBLEM: My sys­tem is up and run­ning, but I can­not com­mu­ni­cate with my sig­nal provider.

SOLUTION: Your unit is prob­a­bly not con­fig­ured cor­rect­ly. On the start-up screen, click Remote Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Access Set­tings. When the set­tings frame appears, type in your IDF Remote Pro­to­col Code, your 15-dig­it Mobile-unit Iden­ti­fi­er Num­ber, User Name, and Pass­word. Restart your device.

PROBLEM: I don’t know my 15-dig­it Mobile-unit Iden­ti­fi­er Number.

SOLUTION: Your 15-dig­it Mobile-unit Iden­ti­fi­er Num­ber was print­ed on a small card that came packed with your new device.

PROBLEM: I must have thrown out the card with the pack­ing mate­ri­als. What do I do now?

SOLUTION: Con­tact our 24-hour Inter­na­tion­al Assis­tance Cen­ter. The tele­phone num­ber for your area was packed with your unit. Allow two weeks for response.

PROBLEM: I am not able to log onto the Inter­net. I get Error Code 875.

SOLUTION: You are prob­a­bly using out­dat­ed soft­ware. If you bought your device more than six weeks ago, you may need a soft­ware update, which can be down­loaded free from our Inter­net Web site. You will need your 15-dig­it Mobile-unit Iden­ti­fi­er Num­ber, User Name, and Password.

PROBLEM: I am not able to eject the mem­o­ry mod­ule from my device.

SOLUTION: Restart your device, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly hold­ing down the CTRL, SHIFT, ESC, and DEL keys. If this does not eject the mem­o­ry mod­ule, the mod­ule may be incom­pat­i­ble with your unit. Check the Ver­sion Num­ber print­ed on the mod­ule. If it is less than Ver­sion 7.01, your mod­ule may have to be replaced.

PROBLEM: My device sim­ply has too many fea­tures for me to keep track of. I’ve had it for a month and I still can’t make it work.

SOLUTION: You may be too old for the cur­rent ver­sion of your device. Ask your 12-year-old child or grand­child to help. If no 12- year-old is avail­able, return the device in its orig­i­nal pack­ing mate­ri­als for a full refund.

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