Coral reefs and glacial ice

Coral reefs and glacial ice

Acropora palmata • Photo by Tisquesusa (CC BY 4.0)

Originally published 1 January 1990

Where would you go if you want­ed to study the retreat of glac­i­ers at the end of the last ice age? To the north­ern parts of Europe and North Amer­i­ca, of course. To the places where the glac­i­ers lay upon the land. To the places where ice scraped rock, carved val­leys, and deposit­ed ridges of rub­ble and plains of silt.

Wrong! Con­sid­er this state­ment by cli­ma­tol­o­gist Richard Fair­banks in a [Decem­ber 1989] issue of Nature: “The fos­sil coral reefs sur­round­ing Bar­ba­dos are a very good sys­tem for exam­in­ing the detail and tim­ing of the last deglaciation.”

Bar­ba­dos? That trop­i­cal par­adise? That sun-drenched Caribbean island? To study con­ti­nen­tal glaciers?

Well, yes. When glac­i­ers melt, the water goes into the sea. Sea lev­els rise. Not just adja­cent to the ice, but every­where. Even in the trop­ics the waters rise, creep­ing up the slopes of island par­adis­es. And the crea­tures that live in the sea creep up the slopes with the water.

Drilling for coral

Fair­banks went to Bar­ba­dos and drilled into the sea floor at dif­fer­ent dis­tances from the present shore­line. He was look­ing for reefs con­struct­ed by the coral Acro­p­o­ra palma­ta. This fast-grow­ing coral lives only in the upper few meters of trop­ic waters. If Acro­p­o­ra palma­ta reefs are found at greater depths in the coral banks sur­round­ing the island, it means that sea lev­els were once low­er than they are today.

Fair­banks used car­bon-dat­ing to deter­mine the ages of coral from his bore holes. These, com­bined with depth mea­sure­ments for the reefs, yield­ed a remark­ably detailed sched­ule for the rise of the sea at the end of the last ice age.

His data con­firmed what oth­er researchers had sus­pect­ed: The most recent ice age end­ed in two dis­tinct puls­es of melt­ing. The first phase cul­mi­nat­ed with a rapid sea-lev­el rise of 24 meters cen­tered about 12,000 years ago. Then fol­lowed a hia­tus, a time of slow­er melt­ing, last­ing about 1,000 years. Final­ly, the ice age came to a con­clu­sive end with anoth­er sea lev­el rise of 28 meters, about 9,500 years ago.

What is remark­able about this work is the way a tiny trop­i­cal reef-build­ing organ­ism main­tained a per­ma­nent record of deglacia­tion on con­ti­nents thou­sands of miles away.

But what caused this two-step retreat of the ice? What turns ice ages on and off? Clues for solv­ing these rid­dles can come from almost any­where. Cli­ma­tol­o­gists in pur­suit of answers go to unlike­ly places — to the coral reefs of Bar­ba­dos, to the top of the atmos­phere, to the bot­tom of the sea.

Or to the present-day ice caps on Green­land and Antarc­ti­ca, which have been accu­mu­lat­ing ice for thou­sands of years. Glacial-age ice can be recov­ered by drilling a mile or more down into the ice caps. But how can ice tell us any­thing about past cli­mates? Ice is ice is ice, right?

Wrong again! Air bub­bles trapped in the ice are tiny sam­ples of the Earth­’s atmos­phere at the time the ice formed. The bub­bles can be ana­lyzed. They show, for exam­ple, that dur­ing the last ice age the amount of car­bon diox­ide in the atmos­phere was about two-thirds of its present lev­el, an obser­va­tion of rel­e­vance to the vexed ques­tion of future green­house warming.

Deep ice from Green­land and Antarc­ti­ca is dusty, dusti­er than ice near the sur­face, sug­gest­ing that the world was dri­er and more desert-like dur­ing the glacial age.

Final­ly, and most aston­ish­ing of all, the atom­ic com­po­si­tion of glacial ice is a clue to climate.

Heavy and light oxygen

Ice is water, and every water mol­e­cule con­tains an oxy­gen atom. Oxy­gen comes in two forms: oxy­gen-16, the com­mon form, and oxy­gen-18, which is slight­ly heav­ier. Light water mol­e­cules are more read­i­ly evap­o­rat­ed from the sea by the sun, and heavy water mol­e­cules fall more quick­ly back into the sea as rain. Mois­ture in the air is there­fore rich­er in light oxy­gen com­pared to the sea. And when water vapor is stored on the land in the form of ice, the amount of light oxy­gen in the sea is reduced.

The rel­a­tive amounts of heavy and light oxy­gen in ancient ice from Green­land and Antarc­ti­ca is a mea­sure of the thick­ness and extent of con­ti­nen­tal glac­i­ers at the time the ice formed.

A rose may be a rose may be a rose, but ice is hard­ly only ice. A chunk of ice pulled up from deep in present-day ice caps is a rich depos­i­to­ry of infor­ma­tion about the past.

Corals from Bar­ba­dos, air bub­bles from Antarc­ti­ca. The moral of the sto­ry is this: The world is all of a piece. The web of cli­mate is intri­cate indeed. A twitch in one part of the web is felt in every oth­er. As sci­en­tists con­front the com­plex­i­ty of past cli­mate sys­tems, the more they real­ize the dif­fi­cul­ty of pre­dict­ing the future.

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