Photo of a bat with wings outstretched in flight

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

A man with stylish hat, scarf, and glasses looking thoughtful

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

Image of a misty path in the woods

Photo by Stefan Widua on Unsplash

Illustration of two hummingbirds feeding on flowers

John J. Audubon's illustration of Columbian hummingbirds

Image of man seated on dock looking a beautiful mountain lake

Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

Close up image of a complex network of veins within a green leaf

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Image of many galaxies

The Hubble Deep Field photograph • R. Williams (STScI), the Hubble Deep Field Team and NASA/ESA

Painting of Adam taking the apple from Eve in the Garden of Eden

“The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man” by Rubens and Brueghel the Elder (c. 1615)

Portrait painting of Thomas Jefferson

Enlightenment visionary Thomas Jefferson

Artistic image of a human skeleton with hand on chin as if thinking

Engraving from ”De humani corporis fabrica” (1543)