Carbon is no Joe Schmoe

Carbon is no Joe Schmoe

Photo by Dexter Fernandes on Unsplash

Originally published 20 January 1992

Each year around Christ­mas time, Sci­ence, the jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Sci­ence, choos­es the most impor­tant sci­ence sto­ry of the pre­vi­ous 12 months.

The top sto­ry of 1991 was buck­y­balls, aston­ish­ing spher­i­cal mol­e­cules of 60 car­bon atoms arranged like the pat­tern on a soc­cer ball (a pin­head would be an over­ly gen­er­ous play­ing field for a game of buck­ysoc­cer). Sci­en­tists have learned how to pro­duce these mol­e­cules in sub­stan­tial quan­ti­ties. Buck­y­balls have chem­i­cal, elec­tron­ic, and mag­net­ic prop­er­ties that promise a myr­i­ad of use­ful applications.

The most impor­tant sci­ence sto­ry of 1990 was new tech­niques for mak­ing films and crys­tals of syn­thet­ic dia­mond. Few sub­stances are as hard, trans­par­ent, and wear-resis­tant as dia­mond. Dia­mond also has inter­est­ing ther­mal and elec­tri­cal prop­er­ties. As syn­thet­ic dia­monds becomes com­mon and cheap, we can expect to see them every­where, from scratch resis­tant coat­ings on watch crys­tals to com­put­er chips made from dia­mond rather than silicon.

Common carbon

What do buck­y­balls and dia­monds have in com­mon? They are both forms of pure car­bon. For two con­sec­u­tive years, car­bon has topped the sci­ence sweepstakes.

Car­bon! The most ordi­nary of elements.

It’s as if Joe Schmoe from Podunk, Iowa, had come out of nowhere to become Time mag­a­zine’s “Man of the Year” for two years in a row.”

Who would have imag­ined it? Not even that mas­ter of inven­tion him­self, Buck­min­ster Fuller (for whom buck­y­balls are named because of their resem­blance to his geo­des­ic domes), could have dreamed that plain old car­bon held so many surprises.

Plain old car­bon. As plain as soot, as plain as the lead in a pen­cil, as plain as the char­coal in a bar­be­cue. And old — as old as fire, as old as the char­coal cave draw­ings of our Cro-Magnon ances­tors. Car­bon was one of the first ele­ments to be uti­lized by humans in a pure form.

Plain and old, but hard­ly dull.

Of the 92 ele­ments that make up the nat­ur­al world, car­bon is the most pro­lif­ic when it comes to mak­ing mol­e­cules. Chem­i­cal com­pounds based on car­bon out­num­ber the com­pounds of all oth­er ele­ments put togeth­er. We divide chem­istry into two branch­es: organ­ic chem­istry (the chem­istry of car­bon com­pounds), and inor­gan­ic chem­istry (the chem­istry of every­thing else).

Car­bon is spe­cial because of its abil­i­ty to make links with itself, a ten­den­cy exploit­ed in mak­ing buck­y­balls. Chains and rings of car­bon are at the heart of almost every­thing inter­est­ing in the nat­ur­al world — sex hor­mones, stim­u­lant drugs, painkillers, tran­quil­iz­ers, gaso­line and coal, plas­tics, dyes, soaps and deter­gents, arti­fi­cial fibers, explo­sives, the pig­ments of fruits, the scents of flow­ers; the list is endless.

Basis of life

Most impor­tant­ly, car­bon is the ele­ment of life. Every liv­ing thing is com­posed of car­bon compounds.

Fol­low a typ­i­cal jour­ney of a car­bon atom:

A can­dle burns, releas­ing car­bon atoms. Some of atoms link in pairs to make soot. Oth­ers com­bine with oxy­gen to form car­bon diox­ide, and drift away in the air. A flow­er­ing plant steals car­bon diox­ide from the air, and with sun­light makes glu­cose (sug­ar), by that won­der­ful process known as pho­to­syn­the­sis. The flow­er’s sweet nec­tar attracts a bee. The bee makes hon­ey and wax. From the wax, a can­dle is made. The can­dle burns.

And so it goes, as car­bon atoms cycle from place to place, stir­ring and ani­mat­ing the sur­face of the plan­et. Car­bon, plain old car­bon, is life’s essence.

Accord­ing to the chemist P. W. Atkins, car­bon’s king­li­ness as an ele­ment stems from its medi­oc­rity; it does most things, and does noth­ing to extremes. By virtue of its mod­er­a­tion, car­bon dom­i­nates nature.

Now sci­en­tists have dis­cov­ered a whole new class of three-dimen­sion­al car­bon mol­e­cules, of which buck­y­balls were the first. Already we are hear­ing about inflat­ed buck­y­balls (buck­y­balls with more than 60 atoms), buck­y­ba­bies (lop­sided buck­y­balls with less than 60 atoms), buck­y­tubes (long hol­low buck­y­mol­e­cules), bun­ny­balls (buck­y­balls with ear-like chem­i­cal appendages), fuzzy­balls (buck­y­balls with 60 attached hydro­gen atoms), and buck­ycages (buck­y­balls with an atom of anoth­er ele­ment trapped inside).

Buck­y­balls with attach­ments! Buck­y­balls with cores! It is impos­si­ble to guess what this sur­pris­ing array of car­bon mol­e­cules holds in store. Sud­den­ly, new chap­ters have been added to the organ­ic chem­istry book.

Syn­thet­ic dia­monds and buck­y­balls are just the tip of the ice­berg. While high-ener­gy physi­cists are seek­ing bil­lions of dol­lars to pro­duce exot­ic sub­atom­ic par­ti­cles that exist only fleet­ing­ly, chemists and mate­ri­als sci­en­tists are dis­cov­er­ing that ordi­nary mat­ter can still surprise.

The 1990s promise to be the Decade of Mate­ri­als, as sci­en­tists dis­cov­er new ways of arrang­ing famil­iar atoms into sub­stances that will change our lives.

Plain old car­bon leads the way. Arranged one way, car­bon atoms are glit­ter­ing dia­mond. Arranged anoth­er way, they are graphite. Now, in a third arrange­ment, they are buckyballs.

Keep your eye on car­bon. That Joe Schmoe of ele­ments may yet turn out to be “Atom of the Decade.”

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