A world under glass

A world under glass

Denizens of an EcoSphere • Photo by David Goehring (CC BY 2.0)

Originally published 20 June 1988

I have on my desk a clear glass sphere about three inch­es in diam­e­ter, on a plas­tic stand. The sphere is two-thirds filled with water. The remain­ing vol­ume con­tains air. A snip of green algae, sea grass, floats in the water, and four tiny pink shrimp swim lazi­ly about. The sphere is com­plete­ly sealed. With the excep­tion of heat and light, there are no trans­ac­tions with the out­side environment.

The sphere is an exam­ple of a closed ecosys­tem, a minia­ture world in which plants and ani­mals live in bal­ance with each oth­er and all mate­r­i­al resources and waste prod­ucts are recycled.

The con­tents of the globe are not as sim­ple as they appear. The shrimp and the sea grass are obvi­ous, but these two species alone are not suf­fi­cient to sus­tain life in a sealed con­tain­er. There are per­haps as many as a hun­dred species of life in the glass sphere, most­ly microor­gan­isms invis­i­ble to the eye.

The plants in the sphere make oxy­gen and food for the ani­mals from sun­light, car­bon diox­ide, and inor­gan­ic chem­i­cals. The ani­mals breathe in the oxy­gen and expel car­bon diox­ide. They eat the plants and pro­duce organ­ic wastes. Bac­te­ria oxi­dize the organ­ic wastes and pro­duce more car­bon diox­ide and inor­gan­ic chemicals.

The pre­cise mix of organ­isms is cru­cial for the long-term suc­cess and beau­ty of the sys­tem. For exam­ple, ammo­nia is a waste prod­uct of the shrimp, but becomes poi­so­nous in high con­cen­tra­tions. At least two kinds of bac­te­ria are nec­es­sary to con­vert the ammo­nia into use­ful nitrite, thus keep­ing the nutri­ent and ener­gy cycles going.

Space research

The glass-enclosed shrimp-algae ecosys­tem is based on NASA-sup­port­ed research, and is made avail­able to the pub­lic under a tech­nol­o­gy trans­fer by EcoSphere Asso­ciates of Tus­con, Ari­zona. It rep­re­sents the end prod­uct of years of research in a field that is impor­tant for the con­quest of space.

If humans are ever to estab­lish per­ma­nent colonies on the moon or Mars, then closed-ecosys­tem research will show the way. The cost of trans­port­ing enough food, water, and oxy­gen from the Earth to sus­tain a space colony would be pro­hib­i­tive. It will be more prac­ti­cal to pro­vide the colony with the ingre­di­ents nec­es­sary for a self-sus­tain­ing, recy­clable envi­ron­ment, sim­i­lar to the one in my glass sphere.

Shrimp have stayed alive in closed shrimp-algae envi­ron­ments for as long as sev­en years. So far, this is a record for any of the high­er forms of life. 

A spec­tac­u­lar exper­i­ment involv­ing humans in a closed ecosys­tem is in prepa­ra­tion near Tus­con, Ari­zona. The con­tain­er for the exper­i­ment will be a mul­ti-cham­bered, sealed glass build­ing cov­er­ing more than two acres of the Sono­ran desert. With­in the build­ing sci­en­tists will cre­ate a vari­ety of minia­ture envi­ron­ments — a rain for­est, a savan­na, a desert, a fresh­wa­ter marsh, a salt­wa­ter marsh, and an ocean — each con­tain­ing an appro­pri­ate mix of plants and ani­mals, hun­dreds of species in all. Eight humans will attempt to live in the closed sys­tem for two years. There will be no mate­r­i­al con­tact with the out­side world.

This remark­able enter­prise in the Ari­zona desert is the con­cep­tion of a pri­vate com­pa­ny, Space Bios­pheres Ven­tures, and most of the $30 mil­lion price tag will be picked up by Texas oil bil­lion­aire Edward Bass. The name of the project is Bios­phere 2. Of course, Bios­phere 1 is the Earth itself.

The suc­cess or fail­ure of their ven­ture will teach us much about the fea­si­bil­i­ty of space colonies. Per­haps more impor­tant­ly, the exper­i­ment will focus atten­tion on present and future dan­gers to the bios­phere of Earth.

Delicate balance needed

The Earth­’s bios­phere is rough­ly 10 tril­lion times more volu­mi­nous than the build­ing in the desert that will house Bios­phere 2. Research has shown that there is a direct rela­tion­ship between the size of a closed ecosys­tem and its abil­i­ty to sus­tain a bal­ance of life. Nev­er­the­less, it would be a mis­take to imag­ine that the bios­phere of Earth is so large as to be invul­ner­a­ble. The clear-cut­ting of trop­i­cal forests, the unre­strained burn­ing of fos­sil fuels, and nuclear war are exam­ples of activ­i­ties that can sig­nif­i­cant­ly alter the equa­tion of mat­ter and ener­gy that has sus­tained life on Earth for near­ly 4 bil­lion years. Episodes of mass extinc­tions in the fos­sil record pro­vide ample evi­dence that the equa­tion can get wild­ly out of balance.

The glass sphere on my desk is a bil­lion tril­lion times small­er than the bios­phere of Earth, but it shares cer­tain things with the larg­er sys­tem — water, air, and a bal­ance of life. It is an Earth-like world I can hold in the palm of my hand. I will be watch­ing the four tiny pink cit­i­zens of that world with a keen inter­est. Their fate could be our own.

The Bios­phere 2 exper­i­ments achieved mixed suc­cess. The cur­rent research facil­i­ty is now owned and oper­at­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona. ‑Ed.

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