A wisp of matter

A wisp of matter

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Originally published 11 November 1985

The neu­tri­no is the spook of the world of sub­atom­ic par­ti­cles. It has no elec­tric charge, and pos­si­bly no mass. It is a mere whiff of a par­ti­cle, a whis­per of mat­ter, a sweet noth­ing. The neu­tri­no is only bare­ly lodged in the realm of existence.

Because they come so close to hav­ing no prop­er­ties at all, neu­tri­nos inter­act with more sub­stan­tial kinds of mat­ter only with extreme reluctance.

A beam of neu­tri­nos pro­ject­ed at a steel wall would zip through unimpeded.

Neu­tri­nos pro­duced by nuclear reac­tions at the cen­ter of the sun pass up though half a mil­lion miles of the sun’s bulk with neg­li­gi­ble decrease. As you read this, neu­tri­nos from the sun are rain­ing down on your head, bil­lions of them every sec­ond; they pass through your body as if it were not there. If you are read­ing this at night, solar neu­tri­nos are enter­ing your body through the soles of your feet, hav­ing passed up through the Earth as read­i­ly as sun­light through glass.

The exis­tence of neu­tri­nos was pro­posed by Wolf­gang Pauli in 1930 as a way of explain­ing bits of miss­ing ener­gy and momen­tum in cer­tain nuclear reac­tions, but it was 25 years before any­one suc­ceed­ed in observ­ing one of the elu­sive par­ti­cles. The ghost­ly aloof­ness of neu­tri­nos makes them dev­il­ish­ly dif­fi­cult to snare and study. 

Neu­tri­nos have remained the gray emi­nences of nuclear physics — influ­en­tial, but vir­tu­al­ly invisible.

They are out there

In recent months, a spate of papers in the sci­en­tif­ic jour­nals have again brought the shy neu­tri­no to cen­ter stage. The ques­tion is this: Do neu­tri­nos have mass, as cer­tain spec­u­la­tive the­o­ries of con­tem­po­rary physics sug­gest they might? The answer to that ques­tion may explain the exis­tence of galax­ies. It may also deter­mine the fate of the universe.

Physi­cists are con­fi­dent that the uni­verse teems with a myr­i­ad of neu­tri­nos that were pro­duced in the first few sec­onds of the Big Bang. Because of their elu­sive qual­i­ty, those primeval neu­tri­nos remain invis­i­ble. But they are there, in prodi­gious num­bers, and if neu­tri­nos have a mass, even a small one, their com­bined grav­i­ty should dom­i­nate the universe.

And now the sto­ry becomes inter­est­ing, because in the last decade astronomers have dis­cov­ered that only about one-tenth of the mass of the uni­verse is vis­i­ble to us as lumi­nous stars and galax­ies. The dark mat­ter that makes up the oth­er nine-tenths of the “stuff” of the uni­verse can be deduced by its grav­i­ta­tion­al influ­ence on the motions of vis­i­ble objects. We know it is there because it pulls and shapes. But the nature of the dark mat­ter is an unsolved riddle.

If neu­tri­nos have mass, they would be a prime can­di­date for the dark mat­ter of the uni­verse. Know­ing the nature and quan­ti­ty of the dark mat­ter would help us under­stand how the galax­ies formed from the sea of atoms that flowed from the cre­ation. The quan­ti­ty of dark mat­ter will also deter­mine whether the uni­verse expands for­ev­er, or col­laps­es back upon itself to recre­ate the fire­ball of the Big Bang.

The question of mass

With such fun­da­men­tal ques­tions at stake, exper­i­men­tal­ists have been eager to ascer­tain the neu­tri­no’s mass. Ear­li­er this year [1985], J. J. Simp­son, of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Guelph in Cana­da, report­ed an exper­i­ment that sug­gest­ed a mass for the neu­tri­no about one-thir­ti­eth that of the elec­tron, much heav­ier that had been pre­vi­ous­ly sup­posed. Simp­son’s work caused a flur­ry of excite­ment. Such a heavy neu­tri­no would have pro­found impli­ca­tions for cosmology.

But W. C. Hax­ton, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton and Los Alam­os, has recent­ly argued that Simp­son’s results might be explained with­out ascrib­ing mass to the neutrino.

Physi­cists T. Pad­man­ab­han and M. M. Vas­anthl have shown that a heavy neu­tri­no such as Simp­son describes would be intrin­si­cal­ly unsta­ble, and that the prod­ucts of neu­tri­no dis­in­te­gra­tion in the ear­ly uni­verse would have dis­rupt­ed the grav­i­ta­tion­al clump­ing of mat­ter that caused the galax­ies to form.

Final­ly, a group of physi­cists at Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty have report­ed a exper­i­ment that shows no evi­dence for Simp­son’s heavy neutrino.

All of this leaves the mat­ter quite up in the air.

The cur­rent under­stand­ing among physi­cists is that neu­tri­nos do have mass, but an infin­i­tes­i­mal­ly small mass — less than one-mil­lionth of an elec­tron. As such, their com­bined mass in the uni­verse is much less than what is expect­ed to be a can­di­date for the still elu­sive “dark mat­ter.” ‑Ed.

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