A blowup in the neighborhood?

A blowup in the neighborhood?

Artist's impression of supernova remnant SN 1987A • ESO/L. Calçada (CC BY 3.0)

Originally published 15 June 1987

The Feb­ru­ary [1987] super­no­va con­tin­ues to shine bright­ly in south­ern skies. That explod­ing star is 160,000 light-years from Earth, in a com­pan­ion galaxy of the Milky Way — and far enough away to pose no threat to us.

But what of the stars in our own neigh­bor­hood of space? Are any of them like­ly to “go super­no­va”? And what would be the effect on Earth?

If a star as close to Earth as 50 light-years explod­ed, we would be in trou­ble. The blast would sweep the Earth with a burst of gam­ma rays (days or weeks in dura­tion), x‑rays, and a strag­gling wave of high ener­gy cos­mic rays mov­ing at near­ly the speed of light. Sev­er­al thou­sand years lat­er, a slow­er-mov­ing shell of explod­ed debris would arrive, also car­ry­ing dead­ly radi­a­tion. The solar sys­tem would lie with­in that shell for hun­dreds of years. Life on Earth would suf­fer a ter­ri­ble blow.

With­in 50 light-years of the Earth there are approx­i­mate­ly a thou­sand stars. The vast major­i­ty of those stars are small­er and less lumi­nous than the sun, and accord­ing to present the­o­ries small stars are unlike­ly to die with a bang. Only a dozen stars in our 50 light-year neigh­bor­hood are larg­er and more lumi­nous than the sun. To learn if one of them might die with vio­lence it would be help­ful to iden­ti­fy the star that blew up in February.

Aus­tralian astronomers Graeme White and David Malin believe the prog­en­i­tor of the super­no­va was the star known as San­d­uleak ‑69 202. Their evi­dence, pre­sent­ed in a recent [May 1987] issue of Nature, is based on care­ful mea­sure­ments of pho­to­graph­ic plates made before and after the appear­ance of the super­no­va, and on a deter­mi­na­tion of the prob­a­bil­i­ty (accord­ing to them, exceed­ing­ly small) that the prog­en­i­tor star was a fore­ground or back­ground star with near­ly the same loca­tion as San­d­uleak ‑69 202.

The candidates

San­d­uleak ‑69 202 is a sur­pris­ing can­di­date for a super­no­va. It is (or was) a hot blue super­giant star that had shown no pre­vi­ous vari­a­tion in bright­ness. Astronomers believe that unsta­ble red super­giant stars, like Betel­geuse in Ori­on, are more like­ly can­di­dates for this type of supernova.

Per­haps the cul­prit star was a pre­vi­ous­ly unde­tect­ed bina­ry com­pan­ion of San­d­uleak ‑69 202, the dim­mer com­po­nent of a dou­ble star sys­tem. A def­i­nite answer to the mys­tery will not be avail­able until the light of the super­no­va fades suf­fi­cient­ly for astronomers to make a close study of that part of the sky.

If the prog­en­i­tor star can be iden­ti­fied with cer­tain­ty, it will enor­mous­ly improve our under­stand­ing of why it is that some stars die vio­lent­ly. And it will give us our best infor­ma­tion yet about what kind of star is like­ly to blow up.

Of the stars in our 50 light-year neigh­bor­hood, Vega is most like San­d­uleak ‑69 202. But Vega is a much small­er star than San­d­uleak ‑69 202, less hot, and sev­er­al thou­sand times less bright. Hot super­giants like San­d­uleak ‑69 202 live only for a few mil­lion years; Vega will live a thou­sand times longer, and — if we under­stand these things right­ly — it will die sedate­ly. Vega is an unlike­ly can­di­date for supernova.

Arc­turus, Capel­la, and Pol­lux are approach­ing the end of their lives, and have cooled and swollen to become orange giants, but they are not the kind of mas­sive super­giants that are expect­ed to die vio­lent­ly. In fact, there are no near­by super­giants, hot or cool. All things con­sid­ered, our neigh­bor­hood seems a safe place to be.

Keep your eye on Rigel

But neigh­bor­hoods change. Stars have inde­pen­dent motions in space, and over mil­lions of years some of our stel­lar neigh­bors will move away and oth­ers will take their place. Mean­while, the Sun itself is trav­el­ing through the galaxy. All of this mov­ing about com­pli­cates any attempt to esti­mate the chance of a near­by cat­a­clysm. A rea­son­able guess is that a super­no­va might occur with­in 50 light-years of Earth about once every few hun­dred mil­lion years.

If you want to wait and watch for a super­no­va, keep your eye on the famil­iar star Rigel in the con­stel­la­tion Ori­on. It is a star sim­i­lar to San­d­uleak ‑69 202. Rigel is a hot super­giant at that stage in its life when the bal­ance of grav­i­ty and ener­gy pro­duc­tion can go dan­ger­ous­ly askew. But Rigel is also at a rea­son­ably safe dis­tance from Earth – about 900 light-years away. There are 5 mil­lion stars clos­er than Rigel, all small­er, which sug­gests how rare good super­no­va can­di­dates actu­al­ly are.

Nev­er­the­less, Rigel is 180 times clos­er than San­d­uleak ‑69 202, or what­ev­er star it was that blew up in Feb­ru­ary. If Rigel goes super­no­va, it will become as bright as the moon. On an oth­er­wise dark night, you could read a book by its light. It will be the most spec­tac­u­lar celes­tial event in record­ed human history.

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