Computing origin of the ‘lesser light’

Computing origin of the ‘lesser light’

Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

Originally published 5 February 2002

Last week, I watched a just-past-full moon rise over the sea, from a place where the sky was dark enough to observe a lunar “dawn” — the sky notice­ably bright­en­ing before the moon appeared above the hori­zon. Not as spec­tac­u­lar as a solar dawn, but beau­ti­ful in its own sub­tle way.

The sun is a mil­lion times brighter than the moon, even when the moon is full. Still, the moon is a thou­sand times brighter than all the stars togeth­er, and big­ger com­pared to its plan­et than any oth­er satel­lite in the solar sys­tem, with the excep­tion of Plu­to’s mys­te­ri­ous com­pan­ion, Charon.

The tiny Mar­t­ian moons, Pho­bos and Deimos, are not much brighter than stars in the Mar­t­ian sky.

Our excep­tion­al­ly large and lumi­nous moon is a boon for lovers and night­time walk­ers, a nui­sance for obser­va­tion­al astronomers (who pre­fer dark nights), and a pos­i­tive embar­rass­ment for the the­o­ret­i­cal astronomers who try to explain where the moon came from.

The­o­ries for the ori­gin of the moon gen­er­al­ly have stum­bled on the block of the moon’s out­landish size.

In the past, three kinds of the­o­ries have been evoked for explain­ing the moon’s ori­gin. They can be clas­si­fied by call­ing the moon the “sib­ling,” the “child,” or the “spouse” of Earth.

The “sib­ling” the­o­ry assumes that the Earth and the moon con­densed togeth­er from an eddy in the larg­er whirlpool of gath­er­ing dust and gas­es that became the solar system.

The “child” the­o­ry assumes that the moon’s mate­r­i­al was spun off from the out­er lay­ers of a rapid­ly spin­ning Earth, ear­ly in Earth­’s his­to­ry when the plan­et was still most­ly molten.

The “spouse” the­o­ry assumes that the moon formed some­where else in the solar sys­tem and was sub­se­quent­ly cap­tured by Earth­’s gravity.

Each of these the­o­ries has dynam­i­cal prob­lems that are not eas­i­ly resolved.

In recent years, a fourth the­o­ry of the moon’s ori­gin has gained sup­port, based on com­put­er sim­u­la­tions by Alas­tair Cameron and oth­ers. This the­o­ry assumes that the young Earth suf­fered a graz­ing impact by a Mars-sized object. The col­li­sion blast­ed into Earth orbit a mass of molten mate­ri­als, part­ly from the Earth, part­ly from the col­lid­ing object, which sub­se­quent­ly solid­i­fied to become the moon.

The impact the­o­ry agrees with cur­rent ideas about the for­ma­tion of the solar sys­tem, which appar­ent­ly began as a whirlpool of gas and dust around a new star, the sun, and con­densed in stages. First, the gas and dust col­lect­ed grav­i­ta­tion­al­ly into pea-sized objects. Then the “peas” gath­ered into chunks the size of build­ings. The “build­ings” col­lid­ed to make big­ger bod­ies, and so on until the present plan­ets came into being.

In the last stages of this process, a few very large impacts can be expect­ed. One of these mas­sive impacts may have splashed the moon into being.

Cameron’s sim­u­la­tion, although suc­cess­ful­ly account­ing for many fea­tures of the Earth-moon sys­tem, left a few prob­lems unre­solved, such as the moon’s pauci­ty of iron com­pared to the Earth. If the col­li­sion occurred ear­ly in the Earth­’s for­ma­tion, as Cameron’s sim­u­la­tion indi­cat­ed, then both Earth and moon should have sub­se­quent­ly gath­ered still more celes­tial mate­ri­als to them­selves, includ­ing iron.

Last year [in 2001], astronomers Robin Canup and Erik Asphaug described in the jour­nal, Nature, the most sophis­ti­cat­ed attempt yet to sim­u­late the “big splash” on a com­put­er. This was no easy task. It meant plug­ging into the com­put­er the com­plex equa­tions for melt­ing and vapor­iza­tion, and for the mutu­al grav­i­ta­tion­al forces between all of the splashed bits of Earth and impact. The cal­cu­la­tions are daunt­ing, and only pos­si­ble with supercomputers.

The new sim­u­la­tions sug­gest that the big splash hap­pened late in the Earth­’s for­ma­tion, when the plan­et was essen­tial­ly com­plete and its iron sequestered at the core, resolv­ing the prob­lem of the moon’s unusu­al composition.

The Canup and Asphaug report includ­ed an illus­tra­tion of a dozen stages in their impact sim­u­la­tion, from the moment the impact­ing body touch­es Earth, through smush and splash. It’s all over in 24 hours, with grav­i­ty left to tidy things up.

See­ing the thing hap­pen on the screen of a com­put­er is almost like being there on the alle­gor­i­cal sixth day when the “less­er light” was cre­at­ed. Astronomers are now gear­ing up even more pow­er­ful com­put­ers for sim­u­lat­ing oth­er details of cos­mic cre­ation, includ­ing pur­pose-built com­put­ers devel­oped in Japan, called GRAPEs, for Grav­i­ty Pipe, that are the fastest machines on the planet.

With these mag­nif­i­cent prod­ucts of human inge­nu­ity, astronomers are sim­u­lat­ing the ori­gin and evo­lu­tion of sun, moon, and stars, even the big bang itself, push­ing back ever clos­er to that sin­gu­lar moment when per­fect dark­ness yield­ed to the mys­te­ri­ous com­mand, “Let there be light.”

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