Stellar shock-wave: Maker of stars

Stellar shock-wave: Maker of stars

Remnant of Supernova 1572 seen in X-ray light • NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren & J.Hughes et al.

Originally published 25 July 1983.

On the evening of Novem­ber 11 in the year 1572, the Renais­sance astronomer Tycho Bra­he, as was his cus­tom, con­tem­plat­ed the stars in the clear evening sky. Sud­den­ly he noticed, almost direct­ly over his head, a new star, sur­pass­ing in bril­liance all the oth­ers. Tycho was an exact­ing map­per of the heav­ens and had known the con­stel­la­tions since boy­hood. He knew imme­di­ate­ly that no star, not even the most faint, had pre­vi­ous­ly occu­pied the posi­tion of the intrud­er. New stars in the heav­ens were unheard of, and Tycho briefly doubt­ed his own eyes. He called to his friends and assis­tants and they too ver­i­fied the “new star,” or nova. It was a mir­a­cle, Tycho believed, the first of its kind since the Creation.

He was wrong, of course. The “new star” that appeared in the con­stel­la­tion Cas­siopeia in 1572 was what astronomers now call a super­no­va, the explo­sive death of a mas­sive star scat­ter­ing most of the star’s sub­stance into space. There are sev­er­al hun­dred bil­lion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and every cen­tu­ry two or three of them blow them­selves to bits.

In the fury of a super­no­va det­o­na­tion, a dying star briefly shines with a daz­zling inten­si­ty. The fire­works quick­ly fade as the star blows off its out­er lay­ers. With­in a few thou­sand years the expand­ing shell of star­dust has swept out past neigh­bor­ing stars and their plan­ets. As the blast moves for­ward, it sweeps up and con­cen­trates dust and gas from the space between the stars.

It is now wide­ly believed that super­no­va shock waves, by con­cen­trat­ing inter­stel­lar mat­ter, can trig­ger the for­ma­tion of new stars.

Star-making wave

One super­no­va rem­nant which has been care­ful­ly stud­ied by astronomers lies in the con­stel­la­tion Can­is Major, the larg­er dog of Ori­on. The super­no­va that pro­duced this ghost­ly wreath of stel­lar debris appeared in earth­’s sky at about the time humans were learn­ing the use of fire. Today, the rem­nant of glow­ing gas is vis­i­ble only on obser­va­to­ry pho­tographs. It is expand­ing into a par­tic­u­lar­ly dusty cor­ner of the galaxy. Along the for­ward edge of the rem­nant lies a string of hot young stars. The ori­gin of the stars seems to be relat­ed to the super­no­va event.

As the blast of the Can­is Major super­no­va expand­ed into space, it swept up mat­ter in its path like dust before a broom. Even­tu­al­ly, the dust and gas along the shock wave was suf­fi­cient­ly dense for grav­i­ty to pull the mate­r­i­al togeth­er into clumps. Those clumps became the stars we now see burn­ing near the edge of the nebula.

If this sce­nario is cor­rect, the death of one mas­sive exhaust­ed star was the trig­ger for the birth of a clus­ter of new stars.

Could a super­no­va explo­sion four and a half bil­lion years ago have trig­gered the for­ma­tion of our star, the sun, and its atten­dant plan­ets? Some astronomers say yes. They cite evi­dence that lit­er­al­ly fell from the sky. But before the evi­dence, a short digression.

A sense of proportions

Iso­topes are dif­fer­ent forms of the same ele­ment. They dif­fer only in the num­ber of neu­trons (uncharged sub­atom­ic par­ti­cles) in the nucle­us of an atom. For exam­ple, oxy­gen-16 has 8 pro­tons and 8 neu­trons in the nucle­us. Oxy­gen-17 has an extra neu­tron, and oxy­gen-18 has two extra neu­trons. The extra neu­trons do not effect the chem­i­cal iden­ti­ty of the element.

On Earth, the rel­a­tive pro­por­tions of the dif­fer­ent iso­topes of an ele­ment are unvary­ing. For exam­ple, in any sam­ple of oxy­gen 99.756 per­cent of the atoms are oxy­gen-16, 0.039 per­cent are oxy­gen-17, and the rest are oxy­gen-18. It does­n’t mat­ter if the oxy­gen is col­lect­ed from the atmos­phere above Boston or from the rocks of Aus­tralia, the mix of iso­topes is constant.

The same rel­a­tive pro­por­tions of iso­topes are found in rocks the astro­nauts brought back from the moon. This is what we would expect if the earth and the moon formed from the same well-mixed store of elements.

Like the oth­er stars and their plan­ets, the solar sys­tem con­densed by grav­i­ty from an inter­stel­lar cloud of dust and gas. That pre-solar neb­u­la was most­ly hydro­gen and heli­um, but con­tained a small amount of heav­ier ele­ments like oxy­gen, car­bon and iron. The heavy ele­ments in the cloud were con­tributed by stars that had lived and died ear­li­er in the his­to­ry of the uni­verse. Stars fuse heavy ele­ments from light ones as they burn, and they dis­perse those ele­ments to space when they die as supernovas.

There is no rea­son to believe that any two super­novas con­tributed ele­ments to the pre-solar cloud with exact­ly the same mix of iso­topes. But if the cloud had been around long enough, its mate­r­i­al would have been thor­ough­ly stirred and the con­tri­bu­tions of all sources blend­ed togeth­er. We would expect to find the same mix of iso­topes in all bod­ies of the solar sys­tem that con­densed from the cloud.

Rocks from somewhere else

Now for the evi­dence. Sev­er­al researchers claim to have found iso­tope con­cen­tra­tions in cer­tain recent­ly fall­en mete­orites that dif­fer sig­nif­i­cant­ly from the earth and moon. The mete­orites pre­sum­ably had their ori­gin else­where in the pre-solar neb­u­la and sub­se­quent­ly made their way to earth. The unusu­al con­cen­tra­tions of iso­topes in the mete­orites sug­gest that the pre-solar neb­u­la was not thor­ough­ly mixed after all.

The pre-solar cloud might not have been thor­ough­ly blend­ed if fresh mate­ri­als were inject­ed into it by a near­by super­no­va just before it con­densed to form the sun and plan­ets. It is only one fur­ther step to sug­gest that the super­no­va which inject­ed the fresh assort­ment of iso­topes was also the trig­ger that caused the cloud to collapse.

Life on earth is the child of the stars. We are made of the stuff of stars, of the ash of star-shine. The atoms in our bod­ies were cooked up in stars and blast­ed into space by super­novas mil­lions or bil­lions of years before the earth was born.

And now, out of the sky fall chunks of stone that car­ry a star­tling mes­sage of the earth­’s begin­ning. It is a mes­sage that would have sat­is­fied Tycho Bra­he’s taste for the fab­u­lous. A super­no­va was mid­wife to the arrival of our plan­et on the cos­mic scene.

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