A word from the heavenly Gates

A word from the heavenly Gates

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Originally published 30 November 1998

Moses went up the mountain.

There God gave him Ten Com­mand­ments carved into stone tablets. The tablets were labeled “Ver­sion 1.0.”

I am the Lord thy God, thy shalt not have strange gods before thee.”

And all the rest.

Moses thanked the Lord and went down the mountain.

He gave the Com­mand­ments to his peo­ple. They wrote the Com­mand­ments in their holy books. They began to use the Com­mand­ments to order their lives. It was dif­fi­cult at first, but soon things were going swim­ming­ly. The peo­ple were happy.

God came to Moses in a dream. “I have an update,” he said. “Ver­sion 1.1. It will make the Com­mand­ments eas­i­er to fol­low. And cov­er more eth­i­cal ques­tions.” He whis­pered the update to Moses.

Moses gave the update to his peo­ple. They erased a few words of the old­er Com­mand­ments from their holy books, and wrote new words in the mar­gins. It was a bit of a both­er, but it did make the Com­mand­ments eas­i­er to follow.

A few peo­ple did not revise their holy books. They stuck with Ver­sion 1.0. But soon they decid­ed to go along too, for the sake of conformity.

Months passed, and again God came to Moses in a dream. “Anoth­er update,” said God.

And so Moses went to the peo­ple with Ver­sion 1.2.

More eras­ing, more scrib­bling in mar­gins, but the peo­ple want­ed to be up-to-date. They want­ed to have the lat­est God­ware. Most of them, at least.

There was some grum­bling. “Ver­sion 1.1 was fine,” some peo­ple said. “We don’t need the bells and whistles.”

Soon Ver­sions 1.3 and 1.4 were spo­ken to Moses in dreams, and the holy books were becom­ing a bit of a mess. Peo­ple could not remem­ber which ver­sion of the Com­mand­ments they were sup­posed to be following.

But God had not been idle. After a decent time elapsed, he again called Moses to the moun­tain. He hand­ed Moses new and big­ger tablets.

The Commandments5,” he said. “You can’t live with­out them.”

What hap­pened to Ver­sions 2, 3, and 4?” asked Moses.

Oh, this is far, far bet­ter that that,” said God. “This is a quan­tum leap for­ward. User friend­ly. Many new features.”

But it’s too big,” said Moses. “It won’t fit into our holy books.”

Time to buy new holy books,” said God. “Big­ger, bet­ter holy books, with lots of spare pages. I can’t believe you are still using those tat­tered old vol­umes from three years ago.”

Moses looked at the big tablets and groaned. “I’m sure these new Commandments5 are fine,” he said, “but don’t all these sit­u­a­tion­al refine­ments and hair-split­ting dis­tinc­tions make it hard­er to tell right from wrong? How in the world will the peo­ple keep the rules in mind?”

I am the Lord thy God,” said God. “Folks who con­tin­ue using Commandments1 will get no sup­port from me.”

Moses went down from the moun­tain and ordered his peo­ple to buy big­ger and bet­ter holy books, with lots of spare pages.

Why do we need all that extra space?” the peo­ple asked.

But no soon­er had they copied Commandments5 into the books than God gave Moses update 5.1. Then 5.2. Then 5.3. Soon the extra pages were filled and the eras­ing began. And the scrib­bling in mar­gins. Peo­ple began squab­bling over the mean­ing of the laws. Almost no one could keep in mind all the fea­tures of Commandments5.

Three years passed and Moses got anoth­er call to the moun­tain. UltraCommandments10. “Makes every­thing else obso­lete,” said God. “A fea­ture for every eth­i­cal sit­u­a­tion you are like­ly to encounter. You can’t live with­out it.”

And besides, no more sup­port for Commandments5,” said God.

It will nev­er fit in the holy books,” protest­ed Moses.

New books,” said God.

So Moses lugged the volu­mi­nous new tablets down the moun­tain, and when the peo­ple saw him com­ing, they ran and hid — except for a few com­mand­ment nerds, who just had to have the lat­est Godware.

Wow,” said the nerds. “Sev­en­ty-three ways to keep holy the sab­bath. Twen­ty-sev­en ways to cov­et thy neigh­bor’s wife. Forty-five ways to…”

New books!” com­mand­ed Moses.

Moses and the nerds cast about, look­ing for the people.

Hur­ry!” shout­ed Moses. “Ver­sion 10.1 is com­ing soon.”

But the peo­ple had slipped away and gath­ered in a remote place. They aban­doned the holy books. They fetched a sin­gle fine piece of parch­ment, and on it they wrote the God­ware that was appro­pri­ate to their needs:

Do unto others…”

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