Just show us the life

Just show us the life

Martian meteorite ALH84001 • NASA/JSC (Public Domain)

Originally published 30 June 1997

It has been near­ly a year since the head­lines screamed “Life on Mars!”

After an ini­tial peri­od of wild enthu­si­asm in the media and among the pub­lic, things set­tled down. It soon became clear that evi­dence for life on Mars was sketchy at best, and that even if Mars did once sup­port life, we have scant expec­ta­tion of find­ing Lit­tle Green Men when the Mars Pathfind­er mis­sion sets down on the Red Plan­et lat­er this week.

Still, the pos­si­bil­i­ty that life once exist­ed on Mars (or might still exist) is excit­ing, and, if con­firmed, will be one of the great sci­ence sto­ries of our time. But there is anoth­er sto­ry behind the head­lines — a sto­ry of how sci­ence works.

It cen­ters, sym­met­ri­cal­ly, on the paper by David McK­ay NASA’s John­son Space Cen­ter and col­leagues that caused all the com­mo­tion when it was pub­lished in the jour­nal Sci­ence last summer.

The paper not­ed three pieces of evi­dence for past bio­log­i­cal activ­i­ty in the Mar­t­ian mete­orite known as ALH 84001:

  1. Micro­scop­ic shapes that resem­ble fos­sil bacteria.
  2. Micro­scop­ic min­er­al grains of a kind that are some­times asso­ci­at­ed with bio­log­i­cal activ­i­ty on Earth.
  3. Small quan­ti­ties of organ­ic mol­e­cules known as “poly­cyclic aro­mat­ic hydro­car­bons,” or PAHs, that can some­times form dur­ing the decom­po­si­tion of ter­res­tri­al bacteria.

None of these obser­va­tions alone makes a con­vinc­ing argu­ment for bio­log­i­cal activ­i­ty, and each might have a non-bio­log­i­cal expla­na­tion. Tak­en togeth­er, McK­ay’s group said, they make a strong case for life on Mars.

The mete­orite ALH 84001 was found on the Antarc­tic ice­cap in 1984. That it came from Mars is gen­er­al­ly accept­ed. It con­tains traces of gas­es that are sim­i­lar in com­po­si­tion to the Mar­t­ian atmos­phere, as deter­mined by the Viking Lan­der space­craft in 1976. It is sim­i­lar to oth­er mete­orites of a pre­sumed Mar­t­ian origin.

The mete­orite was stud­ied for a decade before the McK­ay team start­ed its inves­ti­ga­tion. It was known from radioac­tiv­i­ty analy­sis that the mete­orite had cooled from molten lava about 4 bil­lion years ago, ear­ly in the solar sys­tem’s his­to­ry, and that it was heat­ed again and deformed by a strong shock, per­haps by the impact of an aster­oid some­where near­by on the sur­face of Mars.

Some­time after this impact, pos­si­bly about 3.6 bil­lion years ago, some kind of liq­uid flowed through pores in the rock and deposit­ed glob­ules of car­bon­ate min­er­als. Much lat­er, there was anoth­er shock, prob­a­bly the aster­oid col­li­sion that eject­ed ALH 84001 from Mars.

Most of this sce­nario is undis­put­ed, although the rel­e­vant sci­en­tif­ic papers are full of words like “seems,” “per­haps,” and “pos­si­bly.” As is usu­al in sci­ence, it is the con­ver­gence of many lines of evi­dence that gives cre­dence to the story.

If ALH 84001 had its ori­gin near the sur­face of Mars, and if water per­co­lat­ed through its pores, and if Mars was warmer and wet­ter then than now (as was almost cer­tain­ly the case), then these would appear to be ide­al cir­cum­stances for life. Vol­canic rocks from three miles below the Earth­’s sur­face in Wash­ing­ton State con­tain the kinds of bio­log­i­cal activ­i­ty pro­posed for Mars: tiny organ­isms liv­ing off rock and water.

Nev­er­the­less, before pub­lish­ing their paper, McK­ay and his col­leagues went to great lengths to show that their evi­dence was not the result of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion on Earth or arti­facts of the way their sam­ple was pre­pared. For exam­ple, they looked for sim­i­lar fea­tures in oth­er rock sam­ples that had been treat­ed in exact­ly the same way as the mete­orite. They also com­pared ALH 84001 to oth­er Antarc­tic mete­orites of non-Mar­t­ian origin.

Only when they were con­vinced that their evi­dence was authen­tic did the McK­ay team go pub­lic. They were care­ful to state explic­it­ly that the evi­dence was sug­ges­tive only, not proof of their hypothesis.

Lit­tle of this painstak­ing prepa­ra­tion was reflect­ed in last sum­mer’s block­buster news story.

Since the sto­ry broke, ALH 84001 has been stud­ied as exten­sive­ly as any rock in his­to­ry. Bits of the mete­orite were divvied out by NASA to seri­ous researchers. The mete­orite has been exam­ined with elec­tron micro­scopes, chem­i­cal­ly, min­er­alog­i­cal­ly, and iso­topi­cal­ly — using every avail­able technology.

Not all of the stud­ies have yield­ed con­sis­tent results. For exam­ple, researchers have come to dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent con­clu­sions about the tem­per­a­ture at which the car­bon­ate glob­ules formed, a cru­cial point, since life would be high­ly unlike­ly to occur at the high­er range of pro­posed tem­per­a­tures. Dozens of papers have been pub­lished or pre­sent­ed at con­fer­ences chal­leng­ing or sup­port­ing the McK­ay conclusions.

So where does the issue stand today?

There has been no knock-out punch deliv­ered to the hypoth­e­sis of Mar­t­ian life, but researchers have shown that each line of evi­dence can be account­ed for in non-bio­log­i­cal ways. The authen­tic­i­ty of the so-called “fos­sil bugs” in ALH 84001 is still a toss-up.

Mean­while, the engine of sci­ence grinds on, out of sight of the news media, test­ing, con­tend­ing, win­now­ing, putting the screws to nature — cast­ing the cold light of skep­ti­cism even upon an hypoth­e­sis that we very much want to believe.

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